Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ella Jet
Intuitive, song and groove focused drummer & engineer. Credits include Kenzie Wheeler, Miroux, Kristopher James, and more.
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Li Zong is a composer, producer, designer and performer of music. Lead and vocal of electronica band THE EITHER.
Hey, y’all! I’m the lead vocalist in a national touring duo called “The Young Fables”. I was a finalist on “American Idol”, youngest winner of the “Texaco Country Showdown” and recently on USA Network’s “Real Country” feat. Shania Twin, Travis Tritt & Jake Owen. “simple and heartbreakingly direct” -Rolling Stone
Hi, I'm Marco Vialardi from Biella. I am a mixing engineer, I graduated in January 2020 at SAE Insitute Milan and I have been working since September 2018 at the Fonjka Factory recording studio in Biella. The main artists I have had the pleasure of working with are some of the major Italian artists out there such as Fedez, J-Ax, Irama.
King Creation Studios offers to take your home studio creations and mould them into polished, professional songs that are clear, defined, and punchy.
Punch & Vibe!
I create soundtracks/effects/game sounds for a number of leading casino slots and pokies providers in Europe, Scandinavia and North America. I work with Net Entertainment, BetSoft, Habanero Gaming, Playtech and Big Time Gaming. I write game reviews for NewCasinoNoDeposit.com
Authentic, vibey and brave mixing that stays true to your vision and tastes. Honestly, i have no "grammy", no accolades and etc, but what I do have is a killer work ethic, some great studio and gear and more importantly, I make it my goal to ensure all my clients walk away happy!
Recent Successes
"Eva was a pleasure to work with!! She understood the requirements, communicated perfectly and in good time, and of course she has a wonderful voice. Great quality recordings delivered right on time - everything was pe..."
"Andrew is experienced and it's easy to communicate with him. He knows how to increase your tracks, to bring it to the perfect level. "
"Lonna is awesome to work with. Super convenient and gets your ideas off the jump!"
"There is nothing this man cant do! Very professional, knows exactly what he is doing and is a master at his craft. He cares about the song. "
"Truly the best. Thanks Tim for everything!!!"
"James left us with beautiful sounding masters which we can't wait to release. He had great mix feedback that let us make a critical panning adjustment. I would highly recommend James!"
"This is the third time with Andrijana. The first two songs were sumptuous lead vocals and were excellent! THIS song was for numerous spot harmonies and they came out SO WELL! Pitches, Timing, Rhythm, Diction all pe..."
"Dominique's bass is other worldly. No other way for me to describe. To top it off? He's one of the coolest cats on this platform. Don't hesitate to hire. Seriously, if you're considering starting a new job with him, s..."