Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kenzie Wheeler
Intuitive, song and groove focused drummer & engineer. Credits include Kenzie Wheeler, Miroux, Kristopher James, and more.
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I am a music composer, I develop your idea of sound and atmosphere for your video.
I compose and record solos and licks for your songs.
Need your demo mixed/mastered? Look no further! I'm a certified mixing engineer – Bachelor in Audio (Studio Production) from SAE Institute – and I can do mastering for demos and releases. I can also do production for EDM/pop - I have over 450k streams on Spotify!
I'm currently on the Baby's Back & X-Zone label
We produce and record authentic gang vocals to take your track to the next level while saving you the hassle of organizing it yourself!
Hello! My name is Simo Gerva, I am a professional singer and songwriter with almost 10 years of experience and over half a million listens on SoundCloud. I'm available to record high-quality vocal tracks for your music production or songwriting needs.
Recent Successes
"Great to work with, very high quality end product. Chad took the idea i wanted for the track and really nailed it. Highly recommend to anyone looking for guitar work on their tracks. "
"Pleasure to work with such a talented artist. Went above and beyond what I expected. Highly recommend and will definitely work with again in the future. Keep up the great work!"
"We keep coming back to Dario because he provides the most precise and tasteful drumming that we need for our songs. We also work in different genres and he always delivers and exceeds expectations. Cannot recommend hi..."
"Very quick with quality sound, appreciate the help! Hope to come back for some more. "
"Jenny is an absolute Gem, My fav singer to work with by far due to her quality of work, speed, and understanding your needs and vision. To top it off she is the kindest and sweetest soul to work with ever!"
"Kyle did some excellent work here, he spiced up one of my songs by adding some clarification and more furniture to the lyrics. Great work, I recommend working with him."
"Another fabulous mixing by Joe, thanks a lot."
"Out of this world, LUKE!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work and heartfelt performance, bro!!! "
"great as always"