Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Elessar
I will turn your lyrics into a beautiful song
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My Name is Ben, and I will take Your song from Amatuer Bedroom level to Radio-Ready. Quickly, with competeive pricing.
Hey guys! I’m a music producer and songwriter based in Long Beach, California. I specialize in Acoustic and Pop music. My influences are Lauv, Ed Sheeran, Alec Benjamin, Jon Bellion, and Vance Joy. Both my writing style and production style reflect the influence of these artists.
i play and record acoustic&electric guitars, piano and i sing professionally.
Suena como los grandes.
I am a Mosotho/South African Musician/Producer, from Maseru, Lesotho, currently based in Austria. Learned everything I know about Audio production (MIxing and Mastering) from, Grammy nominated Attie Bauw, Yann Demierre and Alejandro Londono Montoya.
Music producer specialising in Electronic, Trip-Hop, Alternative R&B, Art-pop (and anything else if you give me a reference!). Music that is accessible yet experimental. I am also a versatile songwriter, singer and sound designer who's always looking for exciting projects to work on, let's have a chat about your project if you're interested!
Diseñador, programador y ahora también DJ. En ocasiones hasta cubro los eventos musicales en pasaenmadrid.com, el portal estrella de ocio en Madrid. Puedes ver mi trabajo en la web o escribirme personalmente si lo deseas para que yo te lo muestre. Recuerda: "Siempre a tope con la maquinaria!"
I’ll make your track sound clean and exciting
Recent Successes
"Very quick turn around and the master sounds great! Adam is very easy to do business with."
"Always a pleasure working with Ella!"
"The MVP of my team. Ziv is simply amazing. "
"GOLD DUST...that's what you'll find in the WAV files Holly sends you to pour over the music you labored to assemble. Thank you, Holly!"
"Can't say enough good things about ROGER . His attention to detail, amazing talent, and professionalism are exceptional to and second to none. Extremely pleased with the demo! Thanks again ROGER!"
"Electra nailed the mood I wanted to create with my track with her voice and amplified it even more. She took my song to a new level. And that in a very fast and professional way. Thank you Electra. Gladly again. Until..."
"Nicky Howard went above and beyond the call of duty for me in making sure the job was complete. His professionalism is amazing. My masters were delivered back to me in the most sufficient manner. I cannot recommend hi..."
"Great quality and communication, very easy to get ahold of and great collaboration. Will definitely use again!"