Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eevie echoes
We are a trans-owned studio whose mission it is to provide trans & queer musicians a safe, affordable, and comfortable space for high-quality recordings, mixes, and masters. We specialize in heavy music but do work for all genres of artists, including Victory Over The Sun, Mel Stone, Dreamwell, A Constant Knowledge of Death, and Eevie Echoes.
Audio Engineer specializing in Punk, Rock, and Indie. I will bring out the energy of your live performance in your music. I come from a live audio background, so I'm well equipped in moving quickly and efficiently in my work while still allowing room for experimentation and play. I like finding new and exciting ways to achieve your artistic vision.
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Producer / Engineer / Mixer / Song Writer
Patrick Patterson holds a degree in Music Production and Recording Arts from Pinnacle College. As an Audio Engineer he performs highly in different fields such as mixing, mastering, recording, and composing. Any project he takes on is handled professionally and with his immense passion for music.
Easy going Mixing Engineer with a quick turn-around, great communication with clients and a passion for manipulating audio into the best it can be!
I have unique melodies, and chord progressions as my number 1 motivation and driving force, and know what topliners will fit your track!
Hi, i'm a french artist. I'm not really specialize in one style, for me it's the personality of a song that is the most important. That's always what i'm looking for in my work, something that can impact the audience but who is also poetic and original.
Cantante y compositora profesional. Dominio Inglés. Discos publicados en Spotify Veil Music Official
Ethereal style music producer - I've produced all my own songs and I'm looking to help out others in their pursuit of a beginning music career!
Uno de mis conceptos como compositor , es trasmitir emosiones y sentimientos a travez de cada nota musical , considero de vital importancia la comunicación para llevar a cabo el proyecto que se me asigne .
Recent Successes
"Dan is an excellent engineer with a great ear and a ton of patience! He has taken my music to the next level and I am more than happy with the service he has provided. He is very passionate about music and his work! D..."
"It pains me to write this, because I neither want Adam getting more popular nor charging more...but he is the best producer on here. Period. There's a lot of talent on SoundBetter but very little that gets to the "rad..."
"Great communication, super fast turnaround, and most importantly high quality work that exceeded expectations. Will be reaching out to work with again!"
"Vocals delivered on schedule, great to work with, Natalie's talent shines ! Thank you ! Ron - Audio Video Networks"
"A true professional. Beautifully transformed my sound to be more robust and room-filling. I requested a bunch of small tweaks and he patiently worked through them until I was happy. Highly recommended."
"Alex is a master at his work, extremely reliable, extremely efficient and very helpful I would describe Alex as one of the best professionals I had the pleasure to work with. Highly recommended five starts on everything"
"Amazing work! David sent a demo that met my requirements 100% the first time. Completed the task quickly and with attention to detail. We will definitely work together again soon! Thanks!"
"Collaborating with a consummate professional like Mark was an absolute delight. His dedication and proficiency in his craft were truly impressive. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mark for the incredible experience...."
"Absolutely positive experience working with Kayrae. She's an all - around great collaborator - kind, understanding and willing to help you achieve the sound you have in mind - other than being a very talented singer! ..."