Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with rjthevoice
Music chose me i didn't choose it! its apart of my DNA. I was on Season 12 of NBC'S The Voice. I am a master vocalist with perfect pitch and I am a talented songwriter and musician, fluently playing piano , guitar, and drums by ear.
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Aspiring Mixing Engineer and Sound Designer. Formal education at The New School Center for Media. Pro Tools Operator Certification.
My latest beat charted #4 in February. Currently producing for Taylor Gang (Wiz Khalifa). I can show proof of this. Listen to what I call "Deep Rap" - https://soundcloud.com/luizmatheusartists/sets/pop-by-mikhail-malakhin/s-uMnx3
Recording, Mixing Engineer, Producer and Songwriter, Ba in Sound Production, been in the recording and mixing ambient for the last 8 years obtaining an HND and a Ba in Sound Production. I can Record, Mix and Produce different genres from Folk to Djent Metal.
Enhance the impact of your music with precision drumming and expert mixing
My goal is to be a completely musical mix engineer, and to uplift the songs and albums I work on through critical thought and care. I have the expertise and knowledge to bring any song to the next level, and use my skills to enhance what already exists in a song when I start mixing it. If you have music that needs mixing, let's talk!
The best studio you never knew existed. Sure, Nashville is full of them, so get in touch to see for yourself that we're right.
Agile young producer with experience in indie, alternative, and pop excited to help clients realize visions for their music!
More than 15 years of experience and growing into knowledge every day
Recent Successes
"To be honest, this is about my 3rd review for Mikhail haha. Everytime I come back to this guy he delivers greatness. He demonstrates new mixing tricks to make your track sound even better. All of this under an unbeata..."
"Wow! After some months with work Giancarlo absolutley made this real and with quality! He is a man that knows exactly what you need in your songs to make them alive"
"Perfect job as usual! He's definitely become my go-to for tuning and timing needs!"
"5 stars as always - another great job with Davey! "
"Talented producer and quick to respond--so fun to work with! Listened to all of my ideas and is a great collaborator!"
"With her voice she improved my song by at least 100% ....She makes it her own music, gladly again thank you ;)"
"Paul is dedicated, has great communication, and listens to feedback. Thanks to him, the vision for my song came to be. I highly recommend him and would love to work with him again!"
"Working with Dave for the second time has been an absolute game-changer. If you're serious about creating bangers, he’s the go-to guy. His creativity knows no bounds, pushing every track to new heights with fresh idea..."