Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eduard Artemiev
Professional Music producer, Pianist, Session pianist/Keyboardist
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Sonelab is a full service recording studio located in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. We offer a 3,000 square foot facility including a large live room, two iso rooms, and one drum room. The studio is owned and operated by Mark Alan Miller and Justin Pizzoferrato
Record producer / mixer with top notch analog studio, based in Paris, specialised in electronic & pop, synth-pop. and all the styles of music where solid melodic skills and toplines are requested. I polish your song like a diamond. My goal : achieving a perfect balance between the listening experience and a state-of-art audio quality.
Hello, my name is Cassandra Lewis, i produce mainly pop music, but i also produce music like dubstep, etc.
Mixed recordings of more than 40 live sessions and concerts
Ciao, I’m Federico, an italian sound engineer. I’m a professional recording, editing, mixing, mastering engineer and a producer since 2000. I mainly work with rock, folk, blues, americana, pop, punk, etc… but I also do metal, dance and rap/hip hop occasionally.
Specialization in Curriculum by Berklee College of Music The Art of Music Production
Producer, Songwriter, Multi-instrumentalist that has worked with Bruce Springsteen, Lucinda Williams, Jesse Malin, and can do Americana, Alternative, Indie, Pop, Rock and Punk
A-list touring playback engineer, mixer and producer
Recent Successes
"Amy, she delivered the song at its best. It was really wonderful working with her. The way she communicate is too good. Her Soulful voice with a hint of charm, I was able to get want I need in my track. Fabulous!! Tha..."
"Amazing job with the song, very professional, did exactly what I wanted and is opened if any changes are needed! "
"Austin in the Best!!! If you need help with your music Austin is the right person!!!"
"I refuse to use any other pianist on sound better than Wil. There is no one better! "
"Jimmy is a wealth of smart ideas and is also very fast and professional. I returned to him for the second time and he didn’t betray my expectations."
"5th song with Kevin for my first EP. This one was kind of a neglected one from my side. I had no idea what to do with it except that I wanted a bit of a rock twist from back when I wrote it in 2008. Kevin did his thin..."
"This is my second time working with Kimera. I have solid proof that she is both an ingenue and a musical and vocal savant. Kimera's abilities and creativity are only matched by her technical prowess. Kimera is extr..."