Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eddie Mess
I am a Hungarian producer, sound designer, mixing/mastering engineer from Budapest. I producing music more than 18-20 years. I have two aliases, people can know me as Eddie Mess & Nostromos. In my work I focus mainly on electronic music, be it Techno, Hard Techno, Melodic House & Techno, Progressive House, Organic House or Afro House.
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With production credits that have landed her nominations with the Underground Music Awards and Libera Awards, and three ASCAPlus Awards. My music has been heard on Showtime's "Ray Donovan" and Hulu's "Casual". Most recently, I produced several backing tracks for Microsoft Surface’s youtube series. Music is my lifeline, and I love challenging myself
Songwriter that has been doing it so long the he knows the ins and out of recording and mixing.
Anahit es una compositora y cantante de género Pop de ascendencia Armenia y residente en Granada (España)
Giselle is a 26 year old singer/songwriter/musician in Los Angeles, CA. She has been singing since she was 5 and has a strong passion and love for music. Giselle plays piano, guitar, drums, violin and ukulele.Giselle not only has the talent for this industry, but has a unique sound as well.
I'm here for the music, not the money. Professional quality without ripping you off. As a musician and producer for over 10 years, I have a trained ear and the experience necessary to turn any piece of work into a work of art.
We enjoy making high quality music for artists and media projects. If you are interested in special Versions (edits) of our music please contact us @ mt@key4tunes.com
I'm an award winning film mixer (CAS and Academy Awards). I specialize in detailed and high quality mixes for film and music. I have 30+ years working in sound and music.
Amateur Mixer with 100% satisfied clients by staying true to the artists vision through thorough comms and quick response. Worked on upcoming artist KunKatana (Song 1 - Bellyaches - 2 )
Recent Successes
"Fred is the "spotlight of my art". He mastered my song SUPER Quick and gave it a super quality! Will definitly send HIM more of my songs for mastering. Big up!"
"Natalie is fantastic! Always asking proactive questions so that she can offer you the most quality vocals. She was able to deliver above and beyond! Would recommend anyone who is hesitating... MESSAGE HER! She is love..."
"another banger thank you Tyree. I will be spending bandz with him."
"Alex is an absolutely talented producer and musician. He really understood to my ideas and brought them to life. The most important is that he is so easy to communicate with, which makes everything much easier, and de..."
"Song was much more crisp and louder when Petey was finished "
"Just as the name of her company suggests, Michelle is a Pro! She took my midi string mock-up and turned it into an emotional experience. Her instrumental skills are superb and her demeanor is very easy going. I can hi..."
"Ariel is the Picasso of sound engineering. Only the true masters can make what is an extremely delicate craft look easy. There is so much nuance he brings to every mix and mastering project, which is why I keep coming..."