Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Drifters & Grifters
We offer tracking, mixing, mastering, audio production, and session work.
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I'm a Composer, Music Producer and Mixing/Mastering expert based in Rome. I've worked as a ghost producer and dj for years, i'm mainly specialized in electronic music. I'm able to work on your recordings and make them shine! I can fix mixing mistakes, give you tips, let you sound better! Also available for vocal comping and tuning.
Dreamville, Republic, Atlantic, Interscope etc. 200M+ streams worldwide. If you want the best for your production then look no further.
18 year old mix engineer based out of Chicago. I offer high quality mixes at a fraction of the prices these other engineers charge. Let's work together and make something special. Contact me to hear examples of my work! Email: AveryLR29@gmail.com
Hi! I’m Ori. For over twenty years, I've been producing music and directing music projects. I've been awarded for my music production skills and I'm crazy about what I do. My goal was to reach my perfectionism as fast as possible without compromising.
Just your friendly neighborhood drummer here whatever you need you let me know, let's make some magic! Traveled all over the world and performed on shows like Good Morning America (ABC), Ivan Urgant "Late Night" (Channel 1 Russia) Americas Got Talent (NBC)
To me, creating music is a parabolic flight - going up, falling down and be weightless - learn something new everyday and jump fearlessly into cold water. I have a high German / English / French singing voice also write songs. I had placements in e.g. Apple Music's biggest German contemporary pop playlist "Deutschpop (Deluxe)" or Spotify's "NMF"
Reggae Dancehall Artist
I specialize in creating musical arrangements for songs and producing electronic music beats, creating immersive soundscapes and captivating rhythms that resonate with audiences. As a pianist and session musician, I have recently been awarded 1 Grammy Award & 2 Latin Grammys for my participation in the album “Salsa Big Band” by Rubén Blades.
Recent Successes
"Loved working with Benny! He is so patient & kind. I definitely recommend him. He is amazing to work with. You won't be disappointed with his work."
"Austin always does a great job for me, I'll be back for more soon!! Thanks again!!"
"This is my First Review of the First Progress of the Track with ALOU. He really knows, how to make a Great Sounding Musical Piece. He is a Pro and is very talented, im really liking the Experience. He has also Great C..."
"Colaborating with Elliot is always a pleasure. He doea great work and does his job quickly while keeping great communication with his clients! "
"This is the fifth song I’ve done with Nate on the drums. Every single time I’ve worked with him, Nate absolutely over-delivers. He provided me 3 excellent takes - not a single dud in the 3 - so this way I have flexibi..."
"Zach was an amazing, understanding fellow. HE gave me exactly what I wanted and was patient with me when I was difficult to work with. He's the best :)"
"Extraordinary! Love working with Jonas. Quick. Professional. Great quality. I will work with him again."
"Lars provided a master that provided the clarity and balance I was looking for. He worked with me on a revision to make sure it was just right and had great communication throughout the process. I'd definitely work wi..."
"Another killer songs with Rachel she is the very talented Queen of melody's and lyrics! I would really recommended Rachel to work with her on your next new project! She is fast in response and very friendly! Absolutel..."