Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dolo Calvon You Cant Talk (Facts)
I’ve Been Making Music Since I Was 14 And I Have Produced Over 200 Beats
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Hi everyone, my name is Ale Brukman, I'm a music producer, recording engineer and owner of Babaita Studios, a Recording, Mixing & Mastering facility based on Buenos Aires, Argentina. Because of our competitive prices and the very high quality audio that we deliver, people around the globe are coming to work with us.
I’m a Mumbai based music producer, mixer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. I’ve had 2 FilmFare nominations, 2 ArtsitAloud Awards and more than 100 satisfied clients. My expertise lies in Electronic Music, Pop, Rock and Bollywood. I've also worked on Hip Hop, Indie, Fusion and much more. Hit me up, and we can create magic together!
Sam is a 25 year old song-writer from south London. Sam is a hardworking dedicated individual who eats, sleeps and breaths music and song-writing.
I am a passionate musician who cannot stop create music.
Fiction Studio is a studio based between the cities Nijmegen and Arnhem in the Netherlands. Fiction Studio specialises in recording, writing, editing and mixing music.
Are you in need of Top Notch Production? Prphzy Productions works with any budget to give you the product you deserve!
Passionate and proficient in using Mixing and Mastering applications. Organized, amiable professional who gets along well with colleagues and clients alike. Excited in finding new techniques and approaches for creating unique sounds that clients want and making each production the best it can be.
Working with Top Romanian Artists since 2009 | Millions of Plays | Over 400 Singles | Dozens of Albums & EPs. I'd love to hear about your project. Contact me and let's make a hit! :)
Recent Successes
"Another time working with Suwon! Real professional working flow and great tracks! Great choice if you want to add some jazzy elements into your cover or remix."
"Manny was great to work with. Throughout the mixing/production process, I requested a good number of changes and he was very patient with me throughout. He was attentive to details and made good recommendations on how..."
"Elliot is great at what he does and I had very good communication through the process. He was open with feedback and the turnarounds were fast. He is a professional!"
"ALOU really is the guy you want to work with! He takes a track to a whole new level, he is very responsive to new ideas, and very easy to communicate with. I definitely recommend! "
"Lukas is the most professional writer I’ve worked with on this platform. He knows what he’s doing and what the song needs. He details everything he does. Good communication and easy to work with. "
"Another one down. This man is a real wizard on all guitar's bass ukulele and so much more. He kindly listens to all inspiration, and really delivers to your vision. I cant recommend him enough. His playing is credit t..."
"As always Tristan is amazing to work with! He knows what to do to bring out the best in the tracks and I'm always excited about what we put together."
"Super versatile, incredible communicative, friendly and quick - Taylor went above and beyond and gave me exactly what I asked for and tons more to work with! Looking forward to working together again toon!"
"Originally, Ashley was great to work with and very communicative. However, after I paid her out on the project and asked a few clarifying questions to confirm the job was done correctly, I stopped hearing back from he..."
"Inana is really amazing and talented. She produces the best results"