Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dan koh
Currently the guitar player and co producer of the albums of Los Daniels , a Mexican rock band with over 700k monthly listeners on Spotify also a solo artist and hired singer
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Multi Award winner Recording/Mixing Engineer Producer, Studio Owner. Grammy winner + 11 nominations.
Hi, I make records, usually without anyone wearing headphones, becasue of this kink I have a HUGE bag of mix tricks to bring recordings in less than ideal conditions to a universally presentable and professional place.
Hello, I'm Ilija, and I've been doing and playing music for last 13 years. I am doing original music content all by myself, from the idea, all the way to final product. I also mix and master all of my songs like every professional artist.
Svenson is an award-winning composer, producer, and also a noted author and worldwide performer. He’s recorded with such greats as Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson), Jerry Donahue (Hellecasters), and Rhani Krija (Sting). Svenson composed for diverse film-, TV- audiobook, and podcast productions.
The Karaoke King. If you need a backing or 'sound-alike' track made in a particular style, I'm your guy.
I am a dic-jockey, educator, producer, mixing and mastering engineer from Bilbao (Spain). I have been playing and producing music for more than 10 years. I own and operate a DJ and electronic music production School / Studio called Baffle DJs.
I'm here to make your songs Sound Better..... :)
Versatile Bassist specialising mainly in Funk, disco, pop and rock. Professional Studio access providing Commercial ready results !
Recent Successes
"Great Great Vibes!!! I recommend him to you. Beats are very dope as well."
"Michael is a very talented, and easy to work with. i will definitely work with him again! :) "
"Elliot is very professional and quick to respond. Listened to my opinions and provided great finished versions of a 12 song release. Would recommend his services!! "
"Eileen was the singer of a theme I composed. Nice voice, and smooth communication. I felt she was engaged with the project. I was satisfied and I will not doubt to contact her again when I need a voice like this."
"Lachi made my vision come to life. I described the theme and reason behind the song and she tapped directly into the emotion I was feeling. Very few vocalist can put me in tears....Lachi does"
"Absolutely amazing. This guy will make your songs sound just like mainstream songs and sometimes better. I'm beyond words working with nate."
"Amazing as always. Love working with Andres. He delivers quality every time. "
"I love what she delivered. Response time should be improved for better service. I definitely will work with Georgia again."
"Josh worked with me on a song called Crazy - which is an ambitious track to mix because it is a combination of rock, heavy electronica, pop, and hip–hop. He was able to ask the right questions, communicate comfortably..."
"Anda is the musician I came back to for help with finishing my song. He's talented, creative, a great communicator, and an all-around pleasure to work with. I trust his instincts and commitment to my vision for a song."
"Great as always. "