Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dead Snow Monster
I am a professional audio mixer and producer specializing in rock music. I create authentic rock sounds using old equipment and techniques. I work on Neve and API desks and a whole range of vintage outboards.
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My name is Heludee and I am a songwriter. I have a degree in Piano, Vocals and Music Technology I was awarded in Akademia Music Awards and many of my songs were nominated to be played in commercials and T.V shows in U.S.A, such as Olive Garden and 'Synchronicity - The Beauty Whsiperer' TV show.
I write original music and sing it. I also do covers. I’ve performed at a few local festivals.
I have written and toplined multiple projects across the globe. I don’t believe an artist has to stick to a certain genre. As long as we manage to portray the real emotion in a song and stay true to the artist’s vision, creativity has no boundaries.
An engineer who loves your music more than you do!
I will always remember the first record I ever held in my hands: 'Bringing it All Back Home" by Bob Dylan. I must've listened to it a thousand times. The blood of the 60's is in my veins. I have a total crush on earnest lyricism. My desire for your music is that we make something together that gives someone that same first record feeling I've had.
Do you believe in magic? We do! We make ANY song sound radio ready.
Free mixing mastering preview. Don't pay if you don’t like the result
Let's enhance your music to sound exceptional on any device, ensuring it's dynamic, punchy, with a solid bass, and both wide and clear. I invite everyone to my studio, a place where sonic magic is crafted with utmost care. Let's listen to your new song and elevate its sound together!
Recent Successes
"He was very fast and excellent, especially on difficult passages without using a click he did a fantastic job!"
"Very talented piano production, great work!"
"Austin is a great professional to work with. Really nice with a lot of good ideas!"
"Andres did a great job with my track! Helped give warmth as well as give competitive volume without losing the dynamics. He also helped give me a suggestion for my mix before he mastered the track so that I could ge..."
"Denny did an amazing job on our track. He's a real professional. Very nice guy, good, fast communication. It was the first, but not the last time we worked with him. Amazing overall experience. "
"Krysta has been a real pleasure to work with. She nailed the concept on the first try, and any changes we wanted she made with ease. I would definitely recommend working with Krysta--she's a creative powerhouse. Looki..."
"Finding Tommi to work with has seriously been a dream come true! He is a world class producer and engineer with amazing skills and musicality, great communication, works fast, I honestly can't recommend him enough! "
"Kileza always pushes our songs to another dimension with her sheer power of voice and musicality, she does everything with a lot of heart and enthusiasm"
"Daniel is the man! He really knows how to make live drums sound phenomenal. Looking forward to using his expertise yet agin."