Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Darien Shulman
Emmy and CAS Award Winning Mixer, worked on Grammy Nominated albums, highly versatile skillset mixing Dolby Atmos, 5.1, 7.1, Stereo, well versed in multiple genres with 20 years experience and happy to offer live remote mixing for non-NYC based artists.
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One Flight Up Recording Studios is the place to record and mix in Sydney.
Virtuoso Diatonic and Chromatic Harmonica Player. Proficient in Blues, Jazz, Rock, Classical, Pop, and most other genres. Proud to be an Endorsee of Seydel Harmonicas. Also work as a Blues, Jazz, and Rock Electric Guitar Player.
40,000,000+ Streams / Numerous #1 Singles & Albums in Ireland / Featured on RTE and TG4 / Radio plays worldwide
My name is Collin Eades and I'm a producer and mix engineer in Nashville. I produce, engineer, and mix bands and artists from all over, and also play out as a guitarist.
Versatile and comfortable in a variety of genres and techniques
Looking for a nice voice that writes lyrics for collaboration. I can arrange and mix/master the whole project.
I have a voice type like Chester Bennington and can do high cleans and also high and low Shouts. I‘d love to collab on your next track! I‘m also able to recording and edit/process my recordings myself.
Recent Successes
"We recently had an EP mastered by Francois with Wild Horse Studios. We had a very pleasant experience. He was very easy to work with, and has a rapid turnaround time with a professional, slick product. We were extre..."
"What a pleasure working with Mark. He got the tracks to me within 24 hours and nailed it !! Would recommend him to anyone who wants a sick sounding Bass in their songs !!"
"Got one track mastered,awesomely done !!! "
"This guy means business. I am a professional producer and songwriter and he was able to add to what I had already finished. He has the vision and an ability to make tweaks to your production and mix to make it a hit. ..."
"We just secured another big one! Amen to your coffee Mark! This is my most valued songs. Thank you beyond words! Always fun and on pocket the rest just happens and on time too. Blessed to have you on my songs. ..."
"on point with everything! a good professional for a solid mix "
"Have you ever had the feeling that after working with someone for a while, that "magic" just kicks in naturally and effortlessly? My experience with Giuliano is like that and it -- and his work -- has been such a gift..."
"Sarah is fantastic to work with. She is very detail oriented, hard-working and professional. I am already rehiring her for another mixing/mastering job. "