Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Currently rocking and rolling in the UK tour of Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story
Big voice that's played big shows, I love what I do and I have the attention-grabbing vocal you need. Professional singer and actor, touring the UK and internationally over a career of 15+ years. Recent credits include playing Elwood Blues in the OFFICIAL Blues Brothers show, and currently as The Big Bopper in BUDDY: The Buddy Holly Story.
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LATIN GRAMMY WINNING ENGINEER and 6 x nominated producer, who has worked for GRAMMY and Latin Grammy albums. Pop, RnB, Afrobeat, Pop Rock, Rock, Latin, Metal, and everything in between!!!
Ost & Meyer Production Studio - experienced musical team of 2 musicians, producers and sound engineers (Real names: Nikita Bogdanov and Vadym Porotkov). For more information, please visit http://ostandmeyer.com
I handle recording, mixing, mastering and song writing for artists in any genre. Work on Neve or SSL consoles. Neumann mics and top notch gear in an amazing live room or mic booth. Very affordable, tons of experience.
Hi, I'm Prasetyo Imansyah. I am a professional mixing and mastering enginer. I mix music for various artists, mastering, and create a sound design for Band and Music Film. I work on a variety of styles/genres. Have a look at my reviews below to see what artists think of working with me!
I'm an eclectic vocalist and singer-songwriter with a unique deep timbre, specialised in alternative pop, dark pop, techno and tech house. I'm also a producer crafting moody, atmospheric tracks blending electronic, industrial and pop elements. Hire me and let's bring your vision to life!
I have an unhealthy obsession for perfection. Some might call it a weakness, I call it my greatest strength. It keeps me constantly learning, and striving to get your sound to sound the best it can, each and every single time.
I am Jemz, a music producer, audio engineer, and multi-instrumentalist! I'm currently a CEO of Culture Audio-Visual Productions LLC in Morgantown, WV, where I record, produce, mix, and master all genres of music, spanning hiphop, R&B, alternative rock, folk, jazz, classical recordings, and more! I have 15+ years of music experience to bring to you.
I am a producer that makes instrumentals and offers mixing and mastering services.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time I've worked with Chuck, and like the first time he killed it. What an incredible player as well as patient and understanding. It's a blessing to be able to hire players like Chuck. Again Mahalo..."
"High quality results, quick turn, very easy going and great to work with all around. Had no problem with communicating the ask and getting great results! Highly recommended."
"Gergo is a very professional musician, talented, easy going, kind, but most important, he is FAST! He answered swiftly every single message and sent the final files within hours. I'll be back! "
"Merty and I are working on a track + songwriting of a single. The track is absolutely beautiful! The beats got us mostly. He is professional, efficient and on point response. Thanks Merty! "
"Jeff is an incredible mixing and mastering engineer! He has been super easy to work with and really brings my songs to life. I cant wait for the next one!"
"Just finished my acoustic album and he absolutely blew my mind. He added effects and instruments/sounds that brought the songs to the next level. By far the most professional and patient person I’ve worked with!"
"First time working with him and he killed it!!!"