Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cukurova
Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Germany with over five years of experience and millions of streams on Spotify.
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Top line Singer / Songwriter/ Lyricist
I specialize in Christian Music. It would be great to collaborate with you on your next project. I am easy to work with with good turn around times, you call the shots. I am here to serve you.
I am a Greek well educated guitarist and orchestrator, as well as an arranger, with a lot of experience in recording and playing live. I can deliver in all genres of music but best at progressive rock.
Tomorrows top artists, don't matter which genre, don't do what's hip today. They do what's hip tomorrow. I'm specialized in creating unique signature sounds and together we'll make your music stand alone.
Independent producer, songwriter, and engineer based in Los Angeles with years of professional experience. Here to take on additional projects and make money on the side. Get in contact with me, telling me about your project, and let's talk!
Let the music speak for itself. If you are in need of an engineer who thinks like a producer and a musician, Then hire me. Online mixing is the future and anyone with a computer can do it. Don't just make music, learn to make music like a producer.
Fender and GHS Strings artist B.B. specializes in catchy metal, pop, punk, alternative, and indie bass lines. Can match bass tones and bass player styles.
Egyptian Music Producer
Recent Successes
"Hey I’ve enjoyed working with Idan. He’s really not only been a great help to my project but also a mentor. I’ve been able to use the knowledge he’s shared and also how to maximize my understanding of theory while in..."
"What can I say?? Heart, Soul and passion in every beat, he delivers more than just Drumtracks, its the 3 song and he delivers and delivers, MATE you are the machine, THX, ( We have another 10 to go !!!)"
"My second song created with Sara and I’m so happy about it! Really looking forward to working on more songs with her. She is great at what she does and really puts her soul into her projects."
"Once again, Holly came through for me on my song, providing wonderful backing vocals that fit into my mix just as I hoped. Holly is reliably excellent. Great tone and pitch sensibility. Can't wait for the next song!"
"Isabella is simply the best artist I have ever worked with at adding strings!"
"I'm a fan of KIMBOA, and her music. Very professional. So happy to work with her."