Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Melodyz Town
Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Germany with over five years of experience and millions of streams on Spotify.
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Melody writer, guitar player and producer.
Whether it is Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul, Funk or Rock, Solomon's saxophone wizardry and sixth sense when it comes to writing catchy melodies will up the level of any song. He is a professional deep listener an alumni of the Berklee College of Music and has participated in projects with musicians all over the world. Solomon will be flexible and on time!
Professional Film Music Composer & Songwriter. Worked for Brands like Mercedes, Audi, etc. Studied Piano, Bass & Film Music Composing & Electronic Music Production at the University of Arts in Zurich (Switzerland) & Munich (Germany)
Suena como los grandes.
I'm a professional music producer, beatmaker and orchestral composer. Since I was 5 years old I have been into music. For over 15 years I have been on the stage as a pianist and a drummer. Music is my business and my life. By doing my best, I constantly get the result that I seek for in all areas - a qualitative, professional, and exciting product.
need rappers and singers
Music creation is the reason I exist. So let me exist for you. Haha. No, but seriously.. I am a multi-genre rock singer/songwriter, looking for some amazing things to create. So, hit me up, for some cool vocal stuff. 🤘🙂
I'm DJ and Music Producer with more than 5 years in the industry.
Recent Successes
"Mr Carter was a pleasure to work with, he was extremely professional and fast. I had my song in one take and way before the deadline. I told him exactly what I wanted and he delivered. This guy is a star, definite..."
"Great quality! And speedy service"
"Seth sang a really great vocal for my song. It was exactly what I wanted in term of style and expression. I'd not hesitate in hiring him again."
"Simple delivery. To the point. Easy to work with."
"Tyler is always super patient and gives very creative insight into what a song does and doesn't need. He's my go to Mixing Engineer for all projects that I work on and I can't wait to work with him again."
"Always so exciting working with Ina. She really makes the track come alive. Such an amazing artist that I’ve had the pleasure of working with for a second time with many more to come!"
"Trent was very professional, he kept me informed as to how the work was going, the quality of the songs are fantastic, and perfect for my videos. He also beat the due date. I will have more work for him in the future."