Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with comercial
Productor musical, Compositor y DJ. Especializado en EDM, dance, comercial. Me adapto a cualquier estilo musical. Mi último single memories ya pasa los 30K streaming en Spotify
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Music Producer. Mixing and Mastering Engineer.
I am a Independent Artist/Songwriter/Producer Hip Hop Pop, R&B and Dance.. I Own Studio Uno Records, we work with most of the big names here in the Dom Rep. Besides working on my own music, I also write and produce, perform voice overs, and more. My passion is writing and I've been doing it for over 15yrs. The results will speak for its self...
Hi, I am an Audio Engineer from Portugal. My expertise is Mixing and Mastering and I would love to help you with your tracks! I specialize in Classical Music and Jazz, but also love to mix and master all styles of music !!
Im a Indonesia Hip Hop Producer with 17 Years experience.
Haciendo musica desde el Multiverso! Simplemente quiero explotar mi lado creativo y que la gente pueda escuchar mis canciones. Escribo canciones con un sonido único experimentando con diferentes géneros. Me especializo en Rap, reggaeton, trap&cumbia Hispanic artist/producer making unique sounds by experimenting with different musical genres.
Composer, songwriter, pianist and singer who has written 18 pieces of music in the last 10 months alone, including soundtracks for short films, works for multi-instrumental ensembles, choirs, songs, and piano pieces.
¡Tu próximo hit está aquí! Especialista en música urbana, trabajo en tu proyecto pasando por todos los procesos musicales, desde la creación del beat, composición, grabación, hasta el máster final de tu tema. Tu solo tendrás que preocuparte de cantar lo mejor posible, la magia ya la pongo yo.
A versatile young session producer and guitarist, capable of producing anything from cinematic pieces to rock mixes, which is my strong suit. Currently equipped with an available recording studio.
Recent Successes
"Paul helped me with my request and the style i requested, taking immediately and seriously the project, and after a preview he delivered before deadline!I will contact him again, all the best my dear new friend!"
"What should I say again. I did several projects with Anna now. And I was allways satisfied by the first time. She understands what I want to express with my music. "
"Awesome job from Rachel, if anyone is after the highest of quality vocal performance in very quick time then Rachel is for you "
"5ix was excellent to work with. Very professional, responsive with quick turnover! : ) "
"Oli was the only guitarist I contacted, as I got a vibe he'd be right for this song, and I wasn't wrong! We discussed what was needed for the track and everything was brilliant. He is also literally THE fastest person..."
"Marco is a multi-talented music producer, having the ability to improve not only your mixes and masters, but your overall productions. He's proficient, he's a really nice guy that can work quickly and can communicate ..."
"Incredibly talented producer, super easy to work with"
"So patient and creative! Absolutely loved working with Dan and getting his input. "