Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Frequency Shapers
Music Producer with 10 years of experience, producing, mixing, sound design and mastering
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After recording and mixing for over 10 years, I can deliver a great sounding song that gives depth and clarity to your vision.
Songwriter, Music Producer from norway. I have been doing this for 12 years, mostly i do Edm tracks but im universal. I like to think new and fix problems, tell me what u need and we fix it.
. Paul Ezekiel, a producer, engineer, specialising in vocal production ,drum tracks and arrangements.
I'm a session bass player with over ten years of experience dedicated to giving you the best bass lines that will leave a lasting impression on your listeners for years to come.
Hi, Im Zach. A producer, songwriter and singer based in London working with BMG, Sony, Universal... I've been an artist for over 6 years with multiple singles being playlisted on Radio 1 and live shows supporting some of the biggest artists in the world including Anderson Paak, Kodaline and Mic Lowry. Give me a message, let's create some 🔥.
Music is fascinating. It soothes the mind and soul. As a lover of music, I have invested a lot to acquire exceptional remote mixing and mastering skills. My experience spans more than five years. I am time-conscious, flexible, and a perfectionist. I believe in creating musical masterpieces that will inspire the people who come after me.
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Playback Creator & Arranger committed to bringing your musical ideas to life.
Recent Successes
"It was my 2nd song with Jazelle. I gave her my instrumental, vocal melody and my lyrics and she turned exactly into real, what I had in my mind. Besides her awesome voice she is ultra professional. The wet vocals are ..."
"Super fast. Super professional. A very nice person. One of the best singer here. Will work together with her more often in the future!"
"Ken did a very professional job as always with this project. Will continue working with him as go-to mix engineer for sure. Thanks Ken!"
"It was great working with Benny on my track! He was super flexible when it came to tailoring the sound to my needs and was always willing to discuss anything in detail whenever I had a question or needed guidance. Ve..."
"My second time working with Dan and always he was amazing! My project came out exactly as I envisioned. He mixed and mastered everything how I wanted and was very flexible and super helpful and up front when things ..."
"I wasn't sure if my idea for my song cover was acceptable, but he answered me positively and even proposed improvements, simplifications. He understood right away what I wanted and I accepted his first proposal, a few..."
"another OUTSTANDING experience working with Tomas . Amazing communication , spotless performance. thanks tomas !!"
"5-star engineering"