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Cloonboo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Music Producer, Audio Engineer, and Sound Editor from New Orleans, Louisiana. I graduated from Full Sail University in both the Recording Arts and Entertainment Business degrees. Post graduation, I have gained industry experience working for companies like Disney, CBS Radio, and CBS Television Distribution.
I'm like Billy Bob Thornton in Monster's Ball: I make it feel good.
Audio engineer who newly moved to Memphis, TN looking to record, mix, or master. I completed an apprenticeship program at Azmyth Recordings back 2015.
Pencil & the instrumental is a songwriting entity that caters to hip hop, pop and R&B music. I specialize in all styles of hip hop with a focus on wordplay and lyricism. I can also write catchy and melodic pop and R&B songs.
I play to make the music better. Mandola, mandolin, percussion.. I dedicate my time to enhancing the musical experience for its own sake. My creative pursuit is to add color and meaning to any musical experience I participate in.
Bassist specialising in funk, hip hop and rock.
Mohammad Amin Bahrami is an Iranian actor and musician who is very popular among the people and started his artistic works from a young age. He is also the head of a stone factory.
Hi! I’m Ariel Perchuk, a professional keyboardist/composer with more than 15 years of experience playing and recording music for several artists from all around the world. I can develop and arrange many genres, from: Prog Rock/Metal, to Rock/Pop, Classical/ Soundtracks, Funk, Blues, Soul and many others. I'll be happy to work in your project!
Recent Successes
"Eli is a true professional. Despite, an error, on my part, Eli was able to quickly and graciously fix the problem. I'm very grateful to him for his talent. His contribution made my track better. "
"So yeah I give Him Make Me Mix and Master for my new remix Meduza "Peice Of Your Heart" Make on High Level more from i ask and yeah price its so so good and best and give feel to send him more more projects. This Guy ..."
"Lydia recorded piano for my song "Over Me". Always a joy working with her! The song had drums, acoustic and electric guitars and a string quartet - and she managed to blend the piano seamlessly, with beautiful taste!"
"Christian Enjel Is thee most amazing song writer. Always on-time and is a hit maker for sure. Coolest guy I know. Very quick with responding to messages and requests. Good listener and very focused on any project "
"As aways, Blue does an amazing job and really understands what I wanted! Thanks again Blue!"
"Klaas did it again! I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible work you did on my song. When I first heard the final version, I was blown away by how perfect it sounded - and that's all thanks to your t..."
"Re'ut is very trustworthy and we have became like family. She is very professional about singing and also PATIENT in working with me all the time. I will keep hiring her."
"Fantastic remix! musical genius!! Naski worked super hard and was super patient through the entire process. Really went above & beyond to deliver perfect results in the remix & original mix/master. Highly recommend..."