Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Incognito ?
Credits: Incognito ?, lil Paq, CasualDave & MORE Over 200,000 streams on Spotify! Artist & Engineer
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Experienced Mixing Engineer with personal approach, great skill and state of the art gear. Work for top artists and labels. Located in Los Angeles
Hello. I am a graduate of the Institute Of Audio Engineering Arts in Kansas City, KS. I am certified in the field of Audio Engineering. I was trained in Audio recording, producing, mixing, and mastering. Currently I work for Church of the Resurrection as their Live Broadcast Engineer.
"Laszlo's performance embodied Bruce Springsteen and Johnny Depp". A surprising review from a music journalist at my first show. Growing up, rock music was considered "evil". I was never supposed to pursue a career in music. After freeing myself from this harmful cult, music became my joy and escape.
I am a music producer from Philadelphia with experience working with Grammy nominated artists. I can provide services such as beat making, mixing, and mastering
If one of your piece needs trumpet or flugelhorn tracks or if you’re simply not satisfied with the sometimes not realistic-enough VSTs, don’t hesitate to contact me via the Contact page to discuss it ! DON'Y BE SHY AND SEND ME A MESSAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION The recordings I provide are noiseless, clean and dry.
Iceland-based music producer and audio engineer operating a family-run studio in Reykjavík. Primarily work with hip-hop, RnB and dance music.
Are you exploring guitar options? Join me in making music that feels as good as it sounds, with a focus on quality and detail.
Certified for Apple Digital Masters, I had the privilege of mastering Toxic by YoungX777, a track on its way to earning an RIAA plaque—elevating sound quality to industry-leading standards.
Recent Successes
"Romy is an incredible human being. Best communication so far and a performance that is beyond perfect. Her writing skills are on another level. Not choosing her for your project is a bad decision."
"A true pro. Excellent to work with, super-skilled and extremely flexible and responsive to our needs. Also not afraid to add his own touches and elevate the quality of the work to a higher level. The outcome was brill..."
"Working with James was fantastic. He made a good track sound truly great! Thank you so much. Look forward to working with you again."
"Marc's mastering is next level !! To the untrained ear, mastering makes your track sound louder.. Marc managed to enhance the overall sound and made the track sound louder, smoother and thicker all at the same time !!..."
"2nd song with this remarkable talent....she is amazing...very timely turnaround, goes beyond one's expectations...gives you more than you ask for. Impeccable vocals. Intuitive, musical, beautiful harmonies!.....highes..."
"I came to Omid with a pretty demanding project and high expectations, as I am already an established artist with a career of some sort ao I need industry standard quality. Not only did Omid over deliver, he was pat..."
"Jeff, you are just AMAZING!! Thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate it. I love all the soundtracks. I will definitely work with you again; you have been AMAZING!!! Thank you."