Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Claustrophobic
Let's get together and make a record.
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Hello there. My name is Efe Dinler. I currently reside in Istanbul, Turkey and I own a developing home studio. While I develop my home studio, I also improve my knowledge and abilities upon my instrumental capability and my skills in being a studio producer. P.S.: Please check my description update below.
Providing emotive, passionate, and atmospheric content. My style is modern, driven by emotion, with the ability to perform soft and serene, or with raw punch, previously described as 'ethereal punk'.
feel the beat
Great vocalist and great at mixing and mastering audio
I'll help you bring your musical ideas to life - be it pop-rock, downtempo, epic, soundtrack, contemporary classical, incidental, corporate, techno, dubstep, trap, musique concrète, or sound design. Let's talk about your project !
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We pride ourselves on offering some of the most sought-after and iconic recording equipment in the industry. Including tape machines from Studer and Otari, compressors from Urei, Neve, API, SSL, Tube-Tech, and Teletronix, outboard EQs from Manley, Dangerous, Maag, our 48 channel Raindirk Symphony console, PMC monitors and 200sq meter live room.
I thrive in a world of creative harmony and innovation. As a dedicated musician and experienced pianist, I orchestrate melodies resonating with emotions and stories. Beyond captivating tunes, I co-manage a recording studio, sculpting transcendent sounds. My passion extends to audio production, shaping experiences across diverse media platforms
Recent Successes
"Rob is committed to perfection. He understands the artistic sense of composition he works on and that makes a difference. "
"Incredible work performed in due time and expert execution for another mix+master of my song. Can't recommend him enough and look forward to sending him more work!"
"Michael recorded everything exactly how I wanted. Good person to work with, I can definitely recommend him!"
"Above and beyond, gorgeous work as usual. Carl is always delivering on all levels, he really has the craft down. Love working with you, and much more to come."
"in French it will be better :): travailler avec Bailey était un vrai plaisir et surtout comme souvent avec les Américains d'une très grande rapidité un d'un grand professionnalisme. Very beautiful voice !"
"As always, one of the best producers to work with. Professional, fast and efficient. Can't wait to work again with you. "
"It's always great working with Milana. She has the ability to make my compositions sound so much bigger, more expressive, and interesting! She's also very great to work with and is very quick in her work. I recommend!"
"First time working with Jonas, he did an amazing job, had great communication and delivered on time. Will definitely be working with him again! "
"I’m very picky about my music, and I’m so thankful Elliot understood! I sent him a track that I mixed, and he was able to put a little bit more reverb on my vocals as well and bring the guitar forward to make it more ..."