Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Che Ecru
With over 10 years of industry experience, I’ve had the privilege of mixing, producing, and contributing to the recording process for Grammy-nominated artists such as Che Ecru, Ye Ali, and many others. " I pride myself on being an artist first, this enables me to hear the beauty in the demo. musical philosophy: less is more. raw yet polished.
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MARS Records is a international community of experienced music producers based in Moscow, worked with local stars and new talents, offers professional recording, song mixing, mastering and music production services. Specializing in rock, pop, world, hip hop, and more. Premium equipped studio located in center of Russian capital.
I provide ready to release mixes and masters at very affordable rates. Get that pro sound without breaking the bank.
Freelance Audio Engineer, Recording and Mix Engineer
I have more than 1 year of experience in audio and music production. I'm a singer-songwriter and my first work, my album entitled TAKE UP YOUR WAY, by Kengne, is already available worldwide via internet.
Unique Professional Sound
Award winning producer with 10+ years of experience (RIAA Gold Record for over 500,000+ music sales). I have worked with Universal Music, Lowly Records, Trap Nation and other notable independent labels. I currently release music as Matstubs with over 700,000+ monthly listeners on Spotify (over 200 million streams)
Songwriter and Artistic Producer, I have worked with Sony, Warner, Abbey road studios and other professionals in the sector. I am Founder & Sales Manager of Visuartise, a company that promotes professional discography providing high quality services to emerging artists.
Auteur, compositeur, arrangeur, mixeur, interprète, multi-instrumentiste. Embarquez dans mon univers aussi original que groovy. Que vous souhaitiez des compositions personnalisés où que vous soyez à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations, je suis votre musicien. Pour des prestations clef en main, je propose aussi arrangements et mixage.
Recent Successes
"As a repeat client I’m already aware of the perfect quality delivered by Kristal. What still amazes me is she’s providing more than you need and expect, thus you can make choices and have a lot of material to work wi..."
"He's a fantastic drummer. He can build any type of kit you can think of. He's extremely gracious about feedback. What more could you ask for?"
"Beyond Jared incredible voice, his ability to grasp the vibe and emotion of a song is outstanding. He nailed the vocal on the first try and I had no changes to make. The turnaround time was very quick and I could tell..."
"Simple review: It doesn't get better than Paperwings. Elaborate Review: From their profile samples, I could tell these guy were true pros. After receiving their work on my project and noticing the DETAILS they in..."
"So impressed with Bruce's amazing fiddle playing! He added just what my song needed. He has outstanding technique, impressive musical intuition and a really great tone! A pleasure to work with. "
"Thanks, great drumming!"
"Not only is Dee polite, professional, and punctual, but she has the voice of an angel -- an angel that not only brings her own creativity to the project but who is able to understand and implement feedback to the fine..."