Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Califone
Played on over 200 albums, toured around the world, worked with great artist and musicians of all styles.
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The goal is to make music breathe and flow in fresh and dynamic way. Workflow is free from presets and templates. I treat every mix in different way depending of what you want your music to sound like.
Hi I am a audio engineer and a video editor. I have worked with my church's audio mixer (Midias Pro 6) for about 2 years. I use Logic Pro X to mix all of my music mixing. For my Video Production i use Final Cut Pro.
I have engineered official remixes for Sheek Louch and Pusha T which was released on Tommy Boy Records. As well as a multitude of songs for dj group Radio Smash for their releases on Tommy. I have done field recording to air for SiriusXM for EDC, Electric Zoo, Something Wicked, The Record Company, The muddy Magnolias, kaleo, and a lot more.
Just a guy in a band who loves mixing and mastering. Can also be hired to do some final production on your tracks as well.
I'm Jack Laboz, a producer based out of NYC.
A Billboard chart mixing engineer, official Mastered For iTunes (MFiT) mastering engineer and producer. Born and raised in London, England now living and working in Houston, Texas with my own full service 1200 sq foot studio. I work globally over 5 continents and 15 countries and often work in diverse art forms across several genres.
Mastered more than 350 releases. If you're in IDM, Industrial, Dark Ambient, Experimental Electronica and etc' - I'm your choice ! Did 7.1 surround sound mixing for Oliver Stone's production.
Audio Engineer and Music Producer by profession. Musician since he was 11 years old, working live and in the studio with renowned artists. Mastering instruments such as the piano, guitar, bass, drums, as well as handling virtual instruments. 4 years of experience producing, specialized in genres such as pop, synth pop, indie, electronic music, etc.
Recent Successes
"Benny puts in so much effort, making every single detail sound just as you want. But he still has his own visions with the mix, and gives personal feedback on the revisions. His replies and changes are sent back withi..."
"Courtney Courtney!!! This is the real deal. I have never wanted to give any money in my life but when I want her to do a song. I know she’s is going to make it good. She is just that good. "
"gabe did a masterful job mixing my lengthy tracks and was completely professional during the entire process. he was patient & courteous, and he was articulate in his questions to me and also in his answers to my quest..."
"Excellent work from Jonas! He recorded just the sound I was after with the perfect tone and movement etc. He totally understood what I was looking for, which is a triumph as I don't think I explained it that well! Goo..."
"I have now worked on several projects with Leo and am certainly looking forward to working with him again in the future. He is truly a master in his craft with an incredibly well-trained ear and great sense of detail...."