Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Buried Before My Time
After having my productions played on BBC Radio One, Kerrang Radio and on Spotify Editorial Playlists I want to bring you my songwriting abilities! If you are in need of a unique, personalised rock or metal instrumental please get in touch.
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More providers:
I won a Grammy in 2019 for the New Age Album, "Opium Moon". I have 40+ years experience playing on over 1000 movies, including Frozen 1 and 2, Moana, Black Panther, X-Men, Transformers and Batman. Countless TV episodes and records. I am both a session player and a live musician. I have performed with the LA Phil and many other local orchestras.
Singer-Song writer
Fantastic bass tone from an experienced Chicago bass player.
What do the Foo Fighters, Lil Nas X, and Katy Perry have in common? You guessed it! I've never worked with them! But hopefully, I get work with you! Let's create and have fun working on your track, and maybe have a few laughs along the way.
I've been in the business for 20 years Producing records in the Pop, Rock and Metal Genre, Mixing & Mastering ,Composing Orchestral Midi Mockups , Recording Cover Songs for YouTube. I also offer session musician duties (Guitars, Bass , Keyboards) . I can provide professionally recorded drums by pro session musicians recorded in my studio.
A songwriter and vocalist working professionally in Nashville for 15 years now. As a demo singer I have worked with the biggest writers in the biz. Background vocalist on many #1s As a songwriter songs recorded by many major artists including Chris Janson, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, Harry Connick Jr, The show “Nashville” and many more.
Hello! I'm Dee Wolf and I'm a professional full-time session singer, top line writer and performer.
I know... you're probably diggin' through profile after profile to find that perfect mix for your new project you can't wait to show your new situationship. Don't want to pay hundreds for pro-level mixes for a project you just started but still want that quality? Let me help you by helping me help YOU!
Recent Successes
"Great sounding vocals! Professional and delivers on time. She's perfect if you're especially looking for vocals like Ariana Grande. "
"The song Corey mixed and mastered for me went from nothing to something special. Kept a great line of communication to ensure the highest quality of satisfaction from me. I will be using his services again. "
"Top Lyricist, dedicated and humble artist. Keat really involved himself like if it was one of his very own project. He offered to zoom visio meetings to discuss some artistic points. Keat definitly reminds me some ..."
"Chad's tried-and-true formula to his creative approach and willingness to exceed any/all expectations is a testament to his level of professionalism. Each project, each experience is better than the last. Chad's work ..."
"True professional, knows how to take a mix to a finished and polished product. Will be working with James again."
"Much More Commercial vibe with this mix and it’s come out great, once again really pleased! "
"Good stuff, following directions well."
"Wes's mixes are fantastic. He brought a clarity and energy that made our songs absolutely come to life. Wes has a musician's ear, and he was patient and understanding with all of our requests. Highly recommend!"
"every time I am lucky enough to have Yoed On my productions, He astounds me. He goes above and beyond in terms of his arrangement AND execution. I cant recommend him enough! He gives you a lot more than what you reque..."
"Emanuel is amazing, he recorded the cello parts that I exactly want in just one shot! And his tone is warm and emotional! Great experience with Emanuel! "
"Melissa Has an amazing voice and is very professional in making her deadlines and communicating details about her work. The process was very smooth and I enjoyed working with her. Now its time to finalize my track wi..."