Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Birds of a Feather 2
Let me help bring depth and feeling to your film with songs that will move your audience; violins that will bring tears or drums to ignite. Whatever you are trying to convey, I know I can help with the right mood of music. I would enjoy working with you and bringing your vision to life on the screen though sounds and music.
More providers:
I'm a classically trained musician with 35 years of performance experience and 20 years of production and composition experience. Check me out.
I am Maurice Beat's i am a Music Producer From Los Angeles CA, my services are very simple i provide you with beat's and studio services my job not done i over see your music put together your demo i make sure you get the best sound as possible, Would love to work with you enjoy hope to work with you soon on some new fresh hit's
I'm New York based musician and composer writing and producing music
Music Producer
Sono originale e differisco dalla folla per la mia assoluta pazienza e dedizione. Non sei soddisfatto del mio lavoro? Modificherò ciò che vorresti cambiare! I'm original and I differ from the crowd for my absolute patience and dedication. Are you not satisfied with my work? I will change what you would like to change!
I’m a Nashville based singer/songwriter, and have had my music placed in both television and film. In addition to working on my own music, I’ve co-written with many artists, including Kris Allen, Greg Laswell, Tony Lucca and Anastasia Elliott. I’ve also written/ toplined for Alex Cruz and Vion Konger.
7+ years as a top & pro singer, songwriting & mixing. Passionate, versatile with proven success.
My only goal is to make great songs, and make great songs greater!
Recent Successes
"Professional Engineer. everything you want he can make it. Thanks!!! "
"David's vocal tuning and editing is exceptionally good! The whole experience of working with David could not have been better! Highly recommended!"
"Composition, playing, and sound choice: all huge strengths for Marco. I can always count on him to bring a lot of musicality to the table. "
"Kevin not only made my track come to life but the mix and master made it that little extra to make this a club banger! Will be a returned customer extremely satisfied! Thanks Kevin for all your work!"
"This was my first experiencing having my music professionally mixed and Em has surpassed my expectations. They took the time to hop on a Zoom call to give me an introductory walkthrough of the whole process, as well a..."
"Great vocalist!! Fast and kind communication, I enjoyed very much working with her. I'm expecting to order her next time!"
"Wow, AMAZING energy. Just wow! Thank you!!! Looking forward to future projects :)"
"Song #3 with Kim on vocals and in some ways the best one yet - and the first two we did were stellar. Crystal-clear tone and diction, stellar vibrato, awesome production with tuning and editing, and off-the-chart harm..."
"This producer was responsive, easy to work with, and receptive on all the things I wanted."
"Trevor turned around a bass part over the weekend for me -- he was communicative, great to work with, and made me a quality track that fit perfectly with my project. Highly recommend!"