Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Birdbear
"Hi! I’m Víctor, a passionate music composer and audio engineer with years of experience in mixing and mastering across various genres. As a composer, I know how crucial it is to preserve the artistic vision of a track while enhancing its sonic quality to a professional level.
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Audio producer with accentuation in advertising. CEO of Audiomania (audiomania.mx) Native Spanish Voice Over Talent ... and Scout Master, Troop 15, Scouts de México
Hi there! I'm James Yuill. I've been working in the music industry for over 10 years. Writing, producing and mixing Electronic, Dance and Leftfield Pop for myself and other artists.
Digital craftsman with attention for detail. I can fix things or create new ones.
Rhythm House Studios offers a unique experience for artists that want to record; and an amazing Event Center for live performance and gatherings of any type.
My focus - classical and modern jazz, funky, neo-soul with vocoder optionally, classical and baroque music. With great pleasure I will create and record the bass part or solo part of any difficulty. Old and new doublebasses ,4 and 5 str.( gut and steel strings), Fodera NYC, Marcus Miller by Sire, Ken Smith Burner 4,5,6 str.,Ukulele and Stick bass
Heavy & Modern Rock/ Metal Mixing & Mastering
Producer & Film composer for advertising,TV and film.
Producer and mix engineer for David Pugh (check him out on all platforms). I'm a student at Texas A&M who has real passion for mixing music. Looking for work outside of College Station to keep expanding my horizons. I'm constantly improving.
Recent Successes
"Lachi, you are the most Amazing Artist I have ever had the Great Pleasure of working with, Lachi Totally understood the message of my Lyrics 100% in a Creative/Compassionate/Heartfelt way that reached into my Heart & ..."
"Again, amazing job. good quality of sound"
"Fun to work with Jason again. He's creative and easy to work with. Quick turnaround too. Thanks again. "
"Thank you again for the hard work! As a repeat customer, he is always my go-to mixer/producer! Wonderful job each time."
"Della is someone who will definitely surpass your expectations. I am glad that I chose her for my song. She has done magic with it. She is professional, skilled and has magical voice. I have had the smoothest experien..."
"Simon is a very PRO mixing engineer who take care about the really small details. I am very surprised about his patient and dedication. Of course a very good, elegant and transparent sound. Very happy. He loves music..."
"San is amazing in English, Spanish and French. His dedication to a great vocal resulted in a fantastic recording, which I expected because of how much he gave to a previous project. But what I didn't expect or ask f..."
"Pure genius "
"Martin has within a matter of very few days mixed and mastered two of my songs to perfection. Can't say I've ever gotten better mixes anywhere else. Am definitely looking forward to next project with Martin."
"Richard answered all my questions and delivered the mixes and revisions promptly. He seems very knowledgeable and also seems to be a good value. Send him a mix and he will deliver and be positive!"