Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Black Dahlia
Mix & Mastering Audio Producer
The Black Dahlia Audio, South Central Los Angelesfavorite_borderfavoriteThe heart and soul of Los Angeles Audio Production, with mixing and mastering for genres all across the board!
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Hello! I am a session drummer in Virginia Beach available to give you the best possible drum tracks for your music! I love all styles of music and play pretty much all of them. I am very professional and passionate about music and recording. I am also a audio engineer.
Hi! My name is Simen and I am a audio engineer and music producer. I have a bachelor i music production covering mixing, mastering and production. I specialize in pop and edm.
Hybrid mastering tailored to your vision.
I'm the Idea guy, got that title because I think out the box on another planet. I find ways to promote growth and motivation. I love hearing people talk about music and love "love" making music that people love. As a DJ I have an ear like no other. Looking for that new, fresh sound in R&B, Pop and Hip Hop and more? I'm your connection. Let's talk!
If you trust me your project, I will give all to make you happy; my 200% to get the sound you need. And I asure you nobody is going to make it better, and more carefully than me. Let me help you to make a beautiful work. Let's do it together.
Soul singer that loves writing music
De entre todas las clínicas dentales madrid, clinicadentalarapiles es un referente con muchos años de experiencia y con unos resultados exceletnes. No pongas tu salud en las manos de dentistas que no te den todas las garantías. Si los que necesitas son dentistas madrid, ver más en nuestra web y te convencerás.
Professional male vocalist with 15+ years industry experience specializing in jingles, hooks, pop, rnb, EDM and more!
Recent Successes
"Wes was fantastic to work with. He has great talent and provided a superb vocal performance. He was also very responsive and professional. I would work with him again in a heartbeat and highly recommend him to anyone."
"Just beautiful! I found Vesislava very professional and she created cellos for my song that expressed great depth of feeling. It was great to work with her and plan to again. "
"Emma is very skilled at tuning and adjusting vocals! She is my go-to specialist, especially when I do a cover song, or sing one of my own songs to submit for sync licensing opportunities. So glad I discovered her on..."
"Once again Ziv and I are able to cut through the fog and arrive at parts that fit the production. I can't emphasize how important the flexibility and versatility Ziv exhibits is to getting to final parts. Thanks again..."
"Excellent work as usual! Quick and efficient!"
"Had the most incredible experience working with Dibs. He was very communicative and couldn't be happier with my finished song. Would absolutely recommend and use him again."
"Always fantastic mastering work! Have gotten equally great results with both punk rock and electronic music. A joy to work with!"