Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Big Toys Production
Mixing & Mastering Engineer. EDM Producer & DJ
Mastering Engineer from France, I'm proposing a personalized mastering service and an artistic follow-up from the beginning of the production to the final stage. This with the aim of assisting the producers but also to be able to be immersed in the artistic vision and to work in the same perspective at the mastering stage.
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I provide high-quality nylon-string guitars for your songs
I produce, mix, edit, and master all music genres with a specialty in Americana, I have worked as an A&R Rep and Vice president of A&R for MLR and worked the artist through 2 singles that Rob Mathes (Panic! at the Disco, Sting) produced. Producing artists that have 100,000+ monthly listeners and worked with artists that have 1,000,000+ Listens.
I am a multi genre composer and mix / master engineer specializing in bass heavy electronic music with intricate knowledge of sound design / audio engineering. Collaborations with artists like CloZee and Of The Trees fill my discography. Beyond this, I have 13 years experience playing shows to tens of thousands of fans at venues such as Red Rocks.
Charismatic, Award-Winning, Genre-Bending. I'm Eric Salazar (The Clarinet Guy), and I've recorded and released 10 albums in a multitude of genres (some independently, others with Centaur Records and Beneficence Records). When you work with me you get flexibility combined with a high standard of excellence and attention to detail.
Hey, I'm Chris. I've been composing and arranging music professionally for over ten years. I love to tell stories with music and lyrics.
Multi-platinum selling pop songwriter with 45 million+ streams on Spotify, working in Pop, EDM, K-pop, Pop-Rock and anything else commercial! I love writing big pop songs!
Powerful & heartfelt mixes that reach people. Hey there, I'm Trev, I'm here with 18 years experience to deliver what your music deserves.. I'm influenced by and have always been interested in the sounds/production of greats like Trent Reznor, Steven Wilson, Steve Albini.
I am a professional singer / songwriter and guitarist. I have amassed over 100k streams from my own musical projects on top of having work with a variety of other artists. I am very versatile and can work in a variety of genres, providing a multitude of different services based on your needs.
Recent Successes
"Bruno performed super well and comunication was fast and professional. I hope to work with Bruno for several new jobs in the future..."
"Big big huge talent!! He came up with an overwhelming piano playing that lifted my track up in a second!! Very nice guy, professional and always responds in time. Quality of work is 50 out of 5 stars!! I am super impr..."
"Hi folks out there, we are "GARY" a Pop/Rock Project from Germany and had the great pleasure to work with Matt, who mixed and mastered all 4 tracks from our debut EP. We could not imagine to find someone better to fin..."
"Elias did an incredible job comping and quantizing a drum track for us. The cuts were seamless and the drumming was on beat without sounding robotic. We'll definitely be working with him again."
"As an artist, I think it's important to work with people who genuinely like what you're making and Adam made me feel exactly that way! His feedback let me know he really listened to the song before he worked on it an..."
"I’ve used Vanja for a number of projects now and he always delivers incredibly beautiful strumming,with delicate beautiful lead parts. I am now in a situation where I can trust Vanja to let his creative process flow ..."
"Perfect job and collaboration. Excellent quality and great availability. I will definitely collaborate on other songs with them."
"Arthur is an impressive talent! He is attentive, detail oriented, and innovative. The man can play almost every instrument which is a huge asset in production. With his keen sense for development, Arthur takes the tim..."
"Danielle has to be one of the most incredible vocalists I've had the pleasure of working with, and I've worked with hundreds!! Not only is she super professional with the quality and performance of her vocals but she'..."