Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shakti Empowerment Education Foundation Theme Song
Multi-genre and multi-lingual vocalist, specialty in Bollywood/Hindi, Bangla, and English pop vocals
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Berklee Dual Major Graduate in Performance and Professional Music
I have recorded and written for Jack Antonoff, Taylor Swift, Phosphorescent. Violin, guitar, sax, vocals, and a home studio.
Past horn work: The Temptations, Vance Joy, Big Freedia, Griz, The Revivalists, Tank and the Bangas, Galactic, Delfeayo Marsalis, Es-K, K.Sparks, Naughty Professor and more.
Fantastic singing voice for all genres with wide range. I deliver crisp, clean professional Voice-Over audio with a fast turnaround and guarantee 100% satisfaction before payment. * The voice for YOUR success! *
TOP 10 Sample Pack maker on WAVS.COM, Movie & Tv Sync Producer, and Verified Artist work
My talent doesn't stop at songwriting and production; the mixture is my palette of sound colors. My mixes are authentic symphonies of sounds, where each instrument and voice intertwine in a perfectly choreographed dance. But here's the secret to my genius: I keep today's music standards at the heart of my work.
Mix/Master Enginner of whatever genre you do.
Choose from an extensive array of sub-genres including House, Deep House, Tech House, Melodic Techno, Melodic Progressive House, Afro House, and Techno. Your creative vision takes precedence; let's collaborate and bring something truly remarkable to life!
Recent Successes
"It was great to work with Arthur. He has good communication and is on time with delivery. Pretty much nailed it on the first mix he send. Wanted to have some minor volume adjustments, which he did good and very qu..."
"More work done with Enlia over the last couple of months. Cruising. She delivers great takes on time. Looking forward to more recordings with Enlia!"
"I feel so blessed to live in the same city with Stefano. I already collaborate with him locally and that's why I choosed him on SoundBetter. Stefano did a great job mixing&mastering the instrumental version of on..."
"Riley and I have been working together for years! He knows how to work with my voice to get the best sound and performance. He has his own unique style of using vocal chops as instrumentation which adds a new and inte..."
"Naomi always brings a level of passion and uniqueness with her that's unmatched."
"Once again João brought unbelievable a guitar track! Rhythm and solo both amazingly beautiful! Looking forward the next collaboration! "
"Ashley is an incredibly skilled cellist and artist. She took my simple indie rock track and quickly gave the song depth and emotion with her cello tracks. I would recommend her to anyone and I will definitely be back ..."
"We've done countless songs with Jessie. A-MAZING. Everything she does feels ready for the charts. We're always looking for results that are clearly competitive with the best out there, and whether it's writing or trac..."