Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with august wahh tiptoe
I help experienced record producers focus more time on production and less time mixing. Take your song to completion with HiFi-sounding, professional mixing services —without the premium price. 15dstudios.com
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I've been working with audio professionally for the last 10 years (with artists such as Lecrae, TK Kravitz, and Isaiah Wallace to name a few) and as a hobby for over half my life. I hope to get to work with you.
Pink Distortion is a Recording studio and music production house Located at The Docks In Downtown Toronto. Recording/Mixing/Producing/ Songwriting/Artist Development and other services available
Nothing can prove more impressive than a versatile individual eager to accomplish the awards of success.
Creative and passion small town guitarist with big league tones. I've spent the last 15 years and hundreds of songs honing my craft on guitar, composition and recording and would love to work on your project. Rock and Metal guitar is my specialty, but I welcome all genres and projects. Let's work together and make something special!
Hi! I am PLVYHAUS, I am a music producer at your service! Message me for more sound samples!!
Whether it is Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul, Funk or Rock, Solomon's saxophone wizardry and sixth sense when it comes to writing catchy melodies will up the level of any song. He is a professional deep listener an alumni of the Berklee College of Music and has participated in projects with musicians all over the world. Solomon will be flexible and on time!
Modernize your home with our creative ideas and designs.
Recent Successes
"Austin is great, very responsive and quick, and he delivers outstanding quality. Looking forward to working with him again soon."
"It’s been a total pleasure working with Kris.She’s an extemely good singer in terms of pitch phrasing and musical styles.Kris is also creative, easy to work with, enthusiastic and keen to produce the result the clie..."
" It's amazing how Dan takes a song in the rough and takes it to a whole new, professional level. We've done 8 songs in drums and 5 for mix and master so far and in each and every single one of them he has brought his ..."
"Havoc made brilliant contributions to my project. Extreme professionalism, great patience, and amazing end result! Such a pleasure to work together & I hope to do so again soon. "
"The quality of the performance and recording by Zeff is superb. He really takes the time to study and understand the song and then reinterpret it most beautifully. Zeff is a highly professional pianist whom you shou..."
"The experience with Yoad was wonderful. Yoad is a great professional, serious, clear and very helpful. Punctual in delivering the work and more than anything he manages to bring out the best part of each element of th..."
"I had such a great experience working with Brent I immediately asked if he was available to mix more songs. Brent has a great sonic ear and also a great feel for dynamics and what works with the groove of songs. A..."