Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Antonio Mere
Male Vocalist and R&B Producer
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I joined the music industry in Dallas in Summer of 2015. I was very nervous and excited; I never knew I would carry this feeling with me still in this present day. I aspire primarily to get more into music publishing.
I am a 29 year old french producer & sound engineer (studio & live FOH). www.studio-zebre.com www.victormale.wixsite.com/smallbrand
Vibe is my forté. When it comes to putting your heart and soul into a track that's where I come in. Whether you want big and full production to play in a club or chill vibes to bump for a long night drive, I'm your guy.
Professional drums tracks by a two-time Grammy Award winner. I have worked with Michael McDonald, Vanessa Williams, Gloria Gaynor, and Robben Ford to name a few. I would love to work with you as well! Give me a call!
i am here to maximize your sound ,I will follow your ideas and your creativity to reach the best result with the right budget .
music producer,disc jockey, beat maker. recording studio with sound booth.
Seasoned Afrobeat Singer & Songwriter Specializing in Toplines for Afrohouse, Amapiano, and EDM. With 11+ years of experience and over 1,000 songs produced, I bring dynamic, catchy hooks, smooth vocals, and unforgettable melodies to every project. Let’s collaborate to elevate your track with authentic sound and standout vocal performance.
Award winning cinematic music composer for video games and films
Recent Successes
"I always get surprised by the nice work I receive from legomastering. Working with him always feels like I'm having a nice chat with a friend. His attentious and relevant feedback on the track helped me prepare my mi..."
"Gosteffects continues to impress me. I absolutely trust him with my mixes. "
"Absolutely gem to work with and has an amazing ear and writing ability. I have absolute confidence in working with Sophia for any type of project as I know she will deliver an exceptional result. Thanks again!"
"Once again Bram has delivered exactly as expected, a powerful Master with extra sparkle and shine, keeping everything sounding tight with the bass and kick hitting hard, just the way I like it."
"Fabulous voice. Easy to communicate with. Fantastic harmonies. Would definitely recommend Ethan for your vocal tracks!"
"I highly recommend working with Theia! She has a beautiful voice and has great instincts for how to deliver a vocal with feeling in it. Wonderful tone, perfect pitch, and she's also very good with finding harmonies. A..."
"There are no accolades left to describe the absolute flawless way Dani has handled all the songs we have worked with her on. This is our FIFTH time working with Dani and she has gained such trust with the production t..."