Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alfalfa
With 10 years of experience in the music industry, I am dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible result for your music. Mixing, Dolby Atmos, Podcast Edits, Mastering.
EDM / POP Productions
More providers:
I am a musician and audio engineer located in Berlin. I have worked in some mastering studios in Berlin and i am sure, that we can do some juicy sounds!
Matrix Digital supplies high quality audio and visual content to organisations that need to communicate professionally via any electronic medium. We do this by respecting our client, listening to their needs and understanding their goals.
Fine Noise writes and records high quality, catchy music for Advertising, TV, Film and Artists.
Musician and sound engineer with an eclectic background in sound and music.
ESCURO SIM - volal: puto portugues x babo beat
my voice is my soul
World-class mixing engineer working with Lazza (+500M Streams), Toni Romiti (+300M Streams), UK Tiktok sensation SOLOMON and many more.
Let's bring your creations to life. Do you need a 30 seconds piece with ambient tones for your podcast's background music or an intro song for your YouTube channel? Maybe a 3 minute techno song or music for your film? Want to send your buddy a funny song that's about them? Send me the lyrics and we'll make a beat for it.
Recent Successes
"Kramer has an incredible ear for music!! Responded quickly and was very professional(and personable). Most of all, his work is brilliant! Looking forward to working with him in the near future"
"Mark is very good technically and understanding the idea and style fully..he is also fast and accurate..definitely I would work with in future"
"Aaron is a very passionate producer and engineer who patiently guided me through the mastering process (this being my first time using the service). He was always available to talk over phone to answer any questions a..."
"It was such a refreshing pleasure to work with Markiss and his professional talent! He is a pro and knows how to take a track to the next level! Markiss offers multiple levels of musical dominance while accomplishing ..."
"Andre did a wonderful job on my track. I felt the warmth coming through those analog processors. Amazing and in a very short time too. I will definitely be going back. Thanks Andre"
"Wow, super responsive and quick. Great ideas, really lifted my project."
"Benny was a total pro from start to finish! And for the mix - we couldn't be happier with the end result. A really great experience and we look forward to working with Benny again in the near future."
"HOLY CRAP. Will is very, very, very good folks. I feel like I just crossed paths with one of the greatest musicians of all time. Seriously! Truly stunned at the level of talent on these takes. Can't wait to work toget..."