Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alejandro Paz
Currently Mastering Engineer and Direction in BlackVitamina, musician, co-producer and manager of Mecánico, Label Manager Chile of Believe Music.
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Major Label Hi-Fidelity Radio Ready + Spotify/AppleMusic Ready ✨Love working on new genre blends + unique sounds Recording Artist, Producer + Songwriter, founder of Blossöm Records in LA. Years of touring bands including Hey Monday’s signing to Columbia Records, tours w/ Fall Out Boy, 50 Cent, Justin Bieber + All American Rejects
Music Composer, Guitarist, Arranger https://derekdolan.com
Production, mixing and mastering services worldwide via this website.
Mixing engineer with experience in EDM and electronic music in general, also podcast editing and radio shows.
Create high quality sound for low price. Can work in different genres
I specialise in Acoustic Sound Mixing. The key is to first understand what your vision is, and then find a way to achieve it. I have a very specific skillset with acoustic music, and if that is the kind of music you make, I'm your guy!
When mixing tracks, I try to achieve the most accurate balance.
SAE Institute Grad. I'm Open To Help Other Artists With Their Music. I'm Here To Help And Collaborate With Other Artists/Engineers. I'm As Well A Songwriter, Open To Working On Any Type Of Project From Any Genre; Interested In Everything!!!
Recent Successes
"Mickey was outstanding. She came up with great ideas and great harmonies. I love the sound of her voice. I will use ...hire her again."
"Fabulous work, very fast, professional, would recommend. Hope to work again with her."
"Enrico is a very talented and creative producer. He captured instantly what we had in mind. He is also a super patient guy and always in a good mood. "
"Could not have gotten such a clean mix without Andres' help and advice. The finished master came out sounding perfect. Thanks!"
"Austin is great. He knows exactly what to do and I love working with him."
"This guy here, Josh Florez, is no joke! The man definitely knows what he's doing in the studio! if you all need a good mix and mastering guy, don't skip this man's profile! Thanks again, Josh."
"Extremely fast turn around. The seller was super patient with my revisions and made sure the track came out exactly how I wanted it too."
"Excellent work once again! 100% recommended"
"Vladimir is a virtuoso classical guitarist that worked on a project that was very important to me. His performance was outstanding! I am grateful that he chose to work with me and I look forward to our next collabor..."