Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Casimiro Quesada
Hip Hop and Flamenco specialized.
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I am a Producer, Mixing/Mastering Engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. I love helping others achieve their vision and goals for their project.
Transforming beats into unforgettable moments – I'm the rhythm you've been searching for. With 25 years of experience as a professional drummer, I am a versatile musician capable of covering a wide range of genres, ensuring top-notch sound quality for every recording. My goal is to deliver high-quality work in a timely manner.
Let us help you find the missing piece to your music. Our engineers have years of experience in various genres. We have worked with Alyssa Fair, an American Idol top 40 contestant in 2019 as well as rising Country artist Eli Mosley.
I am a student pursuing a degree in Songwriting and Producing. I like dark and heavy music and warm and emotional music. I draw orchestral influences from composers like Koji Kondo and Nobuo Uematsu. I have a grasp of the song as a whole from lyrics, music, and arrangement. I have composed for video clips and written contemporary songs.
Cream City Whip #GunGunnerLoaded::: "wnpi@hotmail.com" :: http://hustlegang.com ::
I'll edit and mix a song for $10, and feature on a song for $5.
Works featured on Columbia, Insomniac, mau5trap, Universal Music Group, & more! Millions of streams. Experience on thousands of projects in many professional capacities over a musical lifetime. Hume has fantastic communication skills, an exceptional musical intuition, and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the music industry.
Recent Successes
"Jason delivered three very high quality tracks for me (ukulele, guitar, and bass) and was very easy to work with. I hope to work with him on a larger project soon--very talented, professional, and highly recommended!"
"This was our 2nd time using Rob to mix songs for our artist and he did a great job. The artist and producer for the songs mixed are very specific with how they want the music to sound and Rob brought that out and exce..."
"This is my second experience with Hill: he’s a great engineer and a great arranger, plus he’s a very helpful and patient person, interested in a deep communication with the musician and a deep understanding of the son..."
"Song: Take the Good with the Bad Track #2 - a great vocal track provided by the illustrious Mr. Farrell. - grunts and groans in all the right places - knocked the vocal out of the park On to Track #3"
"Excellent, Superfast and gorgeous voice. Loved working with her, very satisfied and great experience, definitely recommended."
"Great as always"
"Great singer and songwriter, totally recommend her!"
"Excellent communication, easy to work with and the result exceeded all expectations. This was a very positive experience. Thank you Christian!"
"Esli was amazing to work with! He ls attentive, seeks detail, and strives for success! Goes over and above! Lyrics and topline fit in perfect with our vision. Will definitely work with again!!"
"What can I say ? 😁 Abbie it's a very very good singer ! Together we created an amazing track ! Very attentive, a beautiful voice, I recommend 200% !!"