Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Adrian Murphy
Experienced singer, songwriter, producer, engineer and visual artist. Being involved in every aspect of a song's rollout allows me to create with the bigger picture in mind. I understand what it means to be in the booth, in the music video, on stage and behind the scenes.
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Demo My Song® co-writes, produces, and publishes music with lyricists and songwriters. If you have a song or lyric that you can't quite finish, our team can help!
Hi, my name is JK. Im from South Korea where I am in a famous production team called "Young & Live". I have been producing, writing lyrics for major Korean Film and commercial. Our production has been actively producing for No.1 music TV show in Korea called "The Best Old Songs" and been producing for Korean idol groups.
Recording Guitars for the Grammy Winner "La Musica No Se Toca" by Alejandro Sanz. Recording Guitars for the 7th Latin Grammy Nominee album "Soy Yo", “Contraelviento” and “Mesa Para Dos”by Kany Garcia. Recording Guitars for the Billboard Award winner "Duele el Corazon" by Enrique Iglesias.
Bespoke, exceptional mixes at affordable prices.
A newly minted audio engineer who has recorded/mixed/mastered 3 albums and is working on his debut album. Also great mixer of crappy mics
I make music for any and all of your video needs. My commissions are totally yours when I make it for you no royalties to worry about!
Sound director of the cultural center. Access to big stage sound. Owner of a recording studio. I will make a song literally out of sticks. Compilation of songs in different styles. Worked on various equipment. Credits with Paulker, ДТВ, TwoTonesHigher.
Recent Successes
"Pleasure working with Jake. He's full of energy and positivism and always trying to deliver the best final mixes possible, regardless of the constraints set by the raw recording material. I really enjoyed working with..."
"Steve is a pleasure to work with, he is such a nice guy and considering his talents is extremely humble. Can't say enough good things about him, already excited to work with him again. "
"I just finished a project with Sara Sangfelt, she is an available, open, kind and very professional girl, she respected all the established times and the quality of the product was exceptional, and she has a beautiful..."
"Stephanie recorded a beautiful and elegant oboe for the song, which was able to give a fundamental color to the production. Excellent technique, very kind and wonderful communication. I hope we will soon have the oppo..."
"What can I say!? By far our most favorite singer here on Soundbetter. Think we already did like 4 or 5 projects with her - she nailed it every single time. Cheers! <3"
"Absolutely amazing. Very professional and work with you to make sure your project is that much better. I will be using them again for sure. "
"J.O.Y is a magician in songwriting, singing and performing, I have never ever worked with someone who would be that much passionate in his job. All his deliveries are over my expectations!!! Absolutely world class art..."
"It is a joy to work with Jordan! Not only is he a great drummer, he also is easy to chat with and the files he delivers sound awesome! Highly recommended. I will definitely be using him on more tracks."