Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Peter Gural
Experienced singer, songwriter, producer, engineer and visual artist. Being involved in every aspect of a song's rollout allows me to create with the bigger picture in mind. I understand what it means to be in the booth, in the music video, on stage and behind the scenes.
Hey! I play electric and upright bass and have experience playing just about every style of music you can imagine. I love having the opportunity to help artists achieve their vision and I always put as much time and care into the songs I play on as I would my own.
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Recording | Mixing | Mastering
I am a music producer and audio engineer based in New York City. I operate out of my own production room at Shelter Island Sound in Manhattan. I combine high end vintage and modern analog gear with state of the art plugins to give your music a big record sound.
Musical Works: *Vaina Loca - Ozuna ft. Manuel Turizo *Alguien Me Gusta - Jessi Uribe, Jhonny Rivera y Andy Rivera. *Que le Pasa a Mi Ex - Andy Rivera ft. Feid *La Culpa - Jessi Uribe
Professional audio engineer with over 16 years of experience in audio industry.
Professional Reggaeton & Trap Songwriter
I've made records with Just Mustard, NewDad, Hunkpapa and many others, with tracks airing on BBC Radio 1, KEXP and getting play-listed on the BBC Radio 6 A-List as well as many of the top Spotify playlists. I've made albums that have been nominated for the Choice Music Prize and seen positive reviews from NME, Clash, DIY, The Quietus and more.
I have 2 albums, "The Definition of Ups and downs", and "January". I have also written the soundtrack for many youtube documentaries.
Professional cellist and composer living in Paris, ready to record for artists around the globe, using high-quality gear.
Recent Successes
"CA did a great job on the project I provided to him. He was extremely thorough, responsive, professional and talented. I definitely had a great experience working with him. Thanks, CA!"
"Fermin is amazing. Super cool & talented guy. He helped me mix my song and turned it into something that sounded super professional and radio ready."
"Ellae is insanely talented, highly professional, and knew exactly how to take my track to the next level. Quality of the final vocal stems were very good and everything was timed / tuned nicely which made them easy to..."
"It’s always a breeze working with this guy! He has such good attention to detail and is a true to heart professional when it comes to mixing! "
"Amazing Engineer "
"Excellent work, many thanks Alex"
"James mastered all 7 songs on my upcoming EP; my team and I could not be more satisfied. This is my 3rd time completing a job with James and it was a success. I am so ecstatic to put these tracks out. He is so profess..."
"Chris is very skilled at what he does and has a super quick turnaround time! If you’re looking for your song to be mixed in Atmos, he is the obvious choice for the job"
"An excellent producer and a great musician. He did a great job. He has a clear vision which helped to shape my song. I am really excited to release the song. And ofcourse I'm going to collab with him again."
"Always a blast working with Fred! Such a great feel and ear for every song. "