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926 01 Sereď Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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New to the website but not to the game, get your shit sounding fuego on the low $$. Have worked on major releases with labels. Right now I have my prices low in order to build my profile on here.
"Creativity is the Master... Technique is the Slave" Audio CD Mastering with Heart and Soul!
Hi, my mission is quality male industry ready vocals, to make your project dominate. You need to check this out.
Quality over Quantity
Guitarist / Producer / Mixing Engineer / Songwriter working from a bespoke studio known as Chime Tone Studio.
Creative and talented. Let's make something new.
Let's write some great songs together that fit YOU!
Im a mixing engineer from Santiago de Chile. Currently mixing at home mainly on my Neumann Headphones. I love the silky sounds and the analog feel on tracks.
Recent Successes
"This was my first experience on this website and i'm glad that it was with Loco. Pro drummer, he knows his work and understand easilly what i was expecting. Top a top recommended drummer Thanks loco "
"Well, once again we're lost for words.....Simms will be in the billboard charts' top ten some day soon, we'd bet on that! He really is that brilliant, and his vocals are simply mesmerizing.. We're celebrating our tent..."
"Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for your time and energy Rob. You really took my music to the next level!! Can't wait to work with you again in the future."
"Marco The Madman on Keys! "
"When we got down to business Matthew was a machine. Created an entirely new vision for the song, and took care of feedback & notes asap. If you're reading these and ready to move... hire him! Do it! "
"What a fantastic job Jonny did! He is an exceptional guitarist, and his playing was flawless. He was also very easy to communicate with. I highly recommend him."
"I am a Korean producer. Jeff is a genius. He made a better sound than I thought. And he's very kind. I'm sure he's a good producer and mixer. he's a very nice person I'm going to commission Jeff to work again! ..."
"Brittany is the BEST singer that I have ever worked with( and that’s saying a lot)! A super professional job from beginning to end!! I was so lucky to find her."