Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 7 Minutoz
Worked with Brazil's top names, now with the world's.
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Dynamic and versatile vocalist with 30+ years of professional performance excellence.✌🏽
I am a multi genre producer and songwriter with range from Future garage to Hip Hop. I have 9 years experience.
Mixing Mastering
Saxophone and Keyboard player, originally from Latvia and currently based in Brazil.
I will make custom, royalty free R&B/Trapsoul Samples fully mixed, arranged and with track stems provided.
Speed and quality are my fortes. Specialized in pop, rock, retro pop, bedroom pop, pop punk,alternative,etc. I offer good quality work and, thanks to the knowledge acquired through daily practice and dedication to work.
Every artist deserves great sound. If you have a great song and it’s just not sounding quite how it sounded in your head, we can make it sound even better than you imagined it could.
20 years of experience and a passion for music production, engineering, and analog gear. If mixing songs was like an improv cooking show my special guests would be Walter White and Rick Sanchez. I'm going to do c o m p l e x things to these tracks.. Unconventional things.. Sonically pleasing things.. Enjoyable things!
Recent Successes
"This guy is a miracle worker! I thought i had a good mix before i sent it to Brent, but once i heard his mix of the same song i truely knew what a good mix was. He didn't try to change my song but worked with me to p..."
"My man did his thing i highly recommend him he is phenomenal at what he does my hip hop song i produced went up 1000 percent with his sax "
"Ryan is an amazing talent, but an even more amazing human being. This is my second project with Ryan and the man delivers. Do not hesitate to work with him."
"Julien was able to make crispy clean loud mix out of mess of immature producer. Besides, he did it fast and efficient. I let him choose references and he got it! Top guy to work with. "
"Calvin was really nice to work with. I asked him to work as a songwriter for a record. He writes well, and he really thought about the phonetic part of songwriting, which is really professional."
"Out of Nate's hundred of glowing, five star reviews, I account for a good handful of them and counting. He is the best! Great playing, great arranging, great engineering, great communication, and absolute professional..."
"Pepe is excellent at what he does and you never feel under pressure working with him . This is really important. I’m always happy to work with him and always highly recommend Pepe. "
"What an honor to work with the best! I can't believe how fantastic my results were coming from the superstar and prodigy, Markiss! He absolutely nailed everything for me and I couldn't be happier!"
"Christian did everything in his power to deliver the kind of vocals we needed for this song. HIs voice sounds great, and he's amazing to work with. Thank you!"
"Simon is a fantastic musician. After making incredible productions for my entire album (10 songs) , he is now mixing them and I am fully satisfied with his work so far. The result is always beyond the expectation. 5 s..."