Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 2B
Experienced and graduated Sound Engineer and Producer for hire! Get your music at pro level with The Captain treatment!
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My mission is to make this mixing process as painless as possible for you and to have a polished final product that can cut through the sea of noise.
Mixing, mastering and recording engineer for 10+ years, I know the requierements for mood creativeness and how to apply the right process and mindset to that. I'm just new to the platform but I will link my work down bellow!
Hi, my name is Alexander, I can record drums in my studio, you'll get drum multitrack (8 channels). Feel free to contact.
Mixing engineer and Producer with 13+ years of career. Hybrid analog and digital mixing process and Dolby Atmos. 8M+ streams (Muso.AI)
Your full-service agency services in the areas of recording studio, graphic design/photo/video, rehearsal room and events. We stand for professional cooperation, fluent and friendly communication as well as transparent and fair pricing. The only agency you need www.salvadorstudioz.de
Producer/Mix Engineer/Guitarist Production styles include (but not limited to): EDM Dubstep NeuroBass FutureBass GlitchHop Trap Rock
I will record groovy bass lines for your songs as your favourite bass guitar player
Auto-Tune is great, but it doesn't sound Natural, which is suitable for some genres and unacceptable for others. For undetectable tuning - you need an expert. Someone with perfect-pitch and the technical skills to manually adjust a recording so the performance sounds flawless, yet natural - human.
Recent Successes
"Mr. Stokes took my track and basically made it his! He really knows what he's doing. Great vocals, and very professional. "
"Chuck really has a great ability to find the groove and feel of a song. He also takes the time to get it right. I highly recommend him."
"If you are debating whether you should work with Austin or not put your doubts to the side because Austin is the best there is! There is a reason hes the top rated producer on here! VERY professional, VERY experienced..."
"For me, this was a tricky job and Waltz Mastering did professional and perfect work! Highly recommend and will use again!"
"Bodo has delivered once again a great drum track incredibly fast and makes our tunes sound amazing with his talent. He is very responsive communicating with me and just does an outstanding job every time. He is our go..."
"Thank you Daniel for all your hard work that you continue to surprise me with each song that we work on. It’s an awesome experience working with this talented producer highly recommend working with Daniel."
"Working with Dan was an extremely smooth experience. I hope to work with Dan much much more in the future, as he is a great artist that contributed depth to my record. Thank you Dan! "