Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PadePaniq
Experienced and graduated Sound Engineer and Producer for hire! Get your music at pro level with The Captain treatment!
Digital recording studio in southern Milan, Italy, dedicated to recording and music production at 360°. Owned and operated by sound engineer Stefano C. Bedini, it offers good acoustic working environment, Neve Genesys console, quality analog gear, mics & converters, and everything you need to record, edit, mix, postproduce and master your tracks.
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I produce high quality beats, (any genre of your choosing), engineer, mix and master all forms of audio (any genre of your choice)
You need punchy drums and a wall of sound for your next metal EP or album? Your neighbours should hate you and your mum shouldn't want to know you anymore? Got DI tracks for reamping or just mastering? Don't hesitate to get in touch, we'll make it work! - Keeping music evil since 2013 -
I am a singer,, I was win lots of national competition in Indonesia,, and now I am about making my first EP album while I am singing 6 days a week around Gili islands and Bali INDONESIA. Would love to share my music to the world.maybe there's an opportunity for me to make my music better and knowing more by people.
YOUR music is YOUR Art, My job is to provide you with whatever you need to make your vision come to a reality. I am very passionate and truly care about all my work I work primarily in the program Ableton Live 11 but I am also very experienced in Logic Pro X.
I have a low-key range voice.
Certified Multi-Platinum Session Musician and Co-Producer. A composer who uses the piano as his means of artistic creation. Passionate about the rhythms of the world and bold harmonies of contemporary music, he combines electronic effects.
International award-winning composer and producer. Diverse, conservatory training within numerous styles of music. Specializes in cinematic music and string arrrangements.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic vocalist- the final take both had a lot of character, and fit well against other existing vocals in the production. The end result was great, would happily hire Raena again! "
"Here's the only problem with Ryan. His parts are so awesome that I have to go back and re-do half the sh*t I already tracked just so I can kinda park in the same zip code as him. People are gonna be like, "the songs a..."
"This is the third time I've made a song with my brother Trippz. He is just incredible what he delivers every time. Trippz is just talented as hell! I would like to give 100 stars!!! There will be many more projects wi..."
"Super professional. You can tell Mike enjoys what he does by his enthusiasm and work ethic. Communicates budgeting well, really reliable and really serves the song that you're producing. Can't wait to work with him a..."
"Jamaal is a pleasure to work with, top notch player, tasteful interpretations, the groove was impeccable. One take and I was like yas! "
"Hey Rita, it was really great to work with you again. You have a fabulos voice, great musical knowlege (second voices...) and it's just really nicce to work with you. I can highly recommend you ;-)"
"Bram is excellent at what he does! He made our track wider, louder, and punchier while still allowing for a balanced master! He is quick, easy to work with, and super professional! Had a wonderful experience working w..."
"I was great working with Denny he was super responsive and very chill about everything :) "