Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zoe heredia
Producer from Argentina, I worked with top artists around the world.
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Hi My Name Is Damoni edwards I was born in the East Chicago , IN (USA) On Sept. 21 1995 .I Started making beats two years ago looking for talented & serious Artist I also Do Costome made beats For any Inquires HMU @ ghostlyfe4eva@gmail.com To view My most Recent work : www.soundcloud.com/ghostlyfe
Epic Melodics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nEU806E5Cg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmNVlHlCAPs two songs my production team wrote, mixed and produced
GRAMMY-Featured NYC vocalist, multi-instrumentalist & composer capable of a matchless breadth of styles brings flawless, emotive vocals, production and composition of the highest caliber to your song. Stirring and evocative film scoring, tasteful commercial music composition, quality mixing & production services available at competitive prices.
Peace, I help indie artist get their ideas to the finish line. I'm a producer & engineer but I was formally a touring artist. So I understand the importance of keeping the creators vision in tact. I use my skills to bridge the gap between your creativity & the technical details that will manifest them. Take advantage of my 10 yrs of experience.
Cellist, arranger and composer specialized in Tango, argentinian Folk and contemporary-experimental music. Graduated from the G. Verdi conservatory in Milan, A. Piazzolla in Buenos Aires. Specialized in Argentine music at the University of San Martin with extensive professional experience in popular, academic and contemporary music.
I have mixed over one thousand songs for artists.
Recent Successes
"MY DUDEEEEEEE! On God 🙏🏼 this guy is going all the way to the top top! Best at what he does, trust me on this!"
"Shane, my dawg. Shane and I collabed on some melodies and lyrics for one of my album tracks. We got the vision needed, will be working with him again. Yeet"
"Gideon is consistently good and I'll be working with him again and again!"
"I always work with John on my songs because he always--ALWAYS--knocks them out of the park. We're only two songs deep into the next Twelve Days in June Record, and I am already so giddy about how it's going!"
"Hooks, lyrics melody at the top. I highly recommend."
"Great as ever! She was able to adapt to a song with a different singing style!"