Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zkalona
💎Sound Engineer and Music Production Academy Audioplace (AES) Artists Pepsi Music +500k views Youtube +200k views Facebook +6.6k of shared in Facebook Urban music specialists
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Old school is new school. All my gear/tech is pre-1990, almost exclusively analog and 8-12 bit noisemakers. If the Beatles could make Sgt. Peppers on 4 tracks - then that's technically all you need (yes, I do have a few 8 tracks for good measure)
New Audio Technician looking for projects to work
Recorded background vocals on songs featuring such artists as Faith Evans, Lil Mo, PJ Morton, and Tweet.
Hi, I’m Tom🖖🏼 I’m a multi-instrumentalist and producer who always does his best to understand and satisfy the artist’s needs✌🏼 My style of production and playing is variegated and I’m always up for new perspectives🙌🏼 Need a beat? A bassline? Some guitar parts? A topline? I’m on it!👊🏼
I'll be your Male singer for your original/cover song
I'm Tinashe, a lover of music. I love all genres of music, well, mostly :) I have a strong passion for music, from the beat, arrangement, the lyrics and the emotion that a song brings. I have grown from writing and producing songs, to purely conceptualising and writing songs. I love telling stories with lyrics. That is my happy place.
I will record strong baritone vocals for any of your Musical Theatre compositions or parodies. I have worked alongside countless creators online for over two years and a full decade of in-person collaboration with composers and directors.
Recent Successes
"Beautiful vocals and a high quality recording. She did a wonderful job interpreting my song and bringing it to life. I couldn't ask for more. I'm beyond happy with the result and would gladly recommend her to anyone. ..."
"EXCELLENT SOUND! Went way above my expectations, I am really Mind blown! I will keep working with Elliot in the future if the opportunity is available for sure!! SUper recommended!!"
"It's the second time I work with her. And It's a true pleasure, beautiful lyrics on time, respecting the vocal structure and melody. What else I could ask for? Thank you Denitia!"
"Andres is a top class professional and always delivers high standard masters! It's my 4th time working with him and I will again very soon! "
"Very helpful!"
"Another very successful project with Andrijana. She has a real talent for top lines and once more has delivered an excellent set of main and backing vocals. And this time she has added to the tapestry of the song with..."
"Fred has become my favorite engineer to work with. We've already worked on 8 songs together and I'm sure there will be more! Couldn't be happier with the results."
"A true professional. Denny turned my instrumental into something special with ease from his spell-binding writing to flawless delivery. An absolute pleasure to work with from start to finish, listened to all my notes ..."
"Max is very passionate about music so that gives him understanding. Beautiful vocal reverb delays give such emotion. Check his Spotify incredible compositions the space around the sounds. I learned a lot from li..."