Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with zima
I Make Clear and Clean mixes. I’m a pretty good singer so Additional backups and sounds can be added to tracks if necessary and with the permission of the artiste
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Writing songs is not just telling stories to me, it's about telling feelings. My name is Daniela and I am a singer/songwriter. I have been composing and writing music for 6 years now. I've written songs for myself and for my band "In June", but I have also done it for other musicians in need of original songs to sing or play.
Recording Producer, Mixing Engineer, Songwriter
I'm everything I say I am ! @hugokafumbi go see for yourself
I'd love to mix or play guitar on your songs. For mixing: any style but hip/hop, RnB and it's different rates for USA and different for EU or elsewhere. For gtr playing: any style, except jazz. M.I graduate AA degree https://www.jessptzimas.com
I am professional bass player and composer from Serbia willing to provide you with strong and functional bass lines in different music genre. Good tone, deep pocket, groovy bassline with some "personal touch" are my main goals during recording session. I am open to all kinds of suggestions and ready to serve your needs.
I can mix your vocals professionally with state-of-the-art programs. At the same time, I can make your song ready for broadcast with a world-class mastering. If necessary, I can also make a beat and arrangement according to your request. You can count on me for anything related to sound!
I'm Mt Nzima,a seasoned mixing engineer with (11) years of experience in transforming tracks into polished, professional recordings. My expertise covers a diverse range of genres, from Dance to Amapiano,Gqom & Indie Genres, and I’m dedicated to bringing out the best in your music.
Recent Successes
"Alex is wonderful! We're working together on the mixing of my 5-track EP & after having tried out the first song now, I decided to continue with the other tracks as well. He has an amazing work ethic & is incredibly..."
"Very proud of this mix!"
"What can I say that hasn’t been said already. Alex is a genius when it comes to his performances. Ten Stars."
"Friendly, fast team. Great communication throughout. My tracks now have this special warm, shining and sparkling sound that gives the listener chills. I will definitely work with you again!"
"What an amazing job Zachary did!!!!! Very tasteful and current sounding! I would definitely recommend Zachary to everyone! What a great guy. Communicates well, and goes above and beyond !!!"
"Wow an absolutely fantastic mix from Mr Chris Brown. Ive been struggling with my mixes, second guessing everythingI did. I am 100% over the moon with this mix. Chris also sent me an Instrumental mix, a TV mix, a ba..."
"Brian is a determined and ferocious sax player. He delivered parts I needed in a marvelous way!"
"It's always bitter sweet when someone comes into the control room, hears the production and says you sound great on piano. then I have to tell them it wasn't me, it was Isamu McGregor!"
"Kevin is such an excellent producer! His work is always beyond my expectations!!! I worked with him for 6 songs and hope there will be many more to come. I definitely recommend Kevin as any artist's producer! "
"Rueben is a pleasure to work with and I'm so glad to be the first to give him a review on Soundbetter. His drum tones are incredible but most importantly he was willing to work with me until the track right. Give hi..."