Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zeppapotapuss
I approach each song as a unique canvas, adding just the right amount of color and texture to bring your musical vision to life. Let's create something special together.
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I am the owner / CEO of RST Entertainment and award winning producer and engineer.
Lead vocalist & songwriter of the band Sepya Can write lyrics in English & Turkish, also compose them
Rappeur et Artiste
My goal is to help you turn the song into how you picture it with professional quality.
Professional Session drummer. I'm ready to provide you my best work for your music with an easy going, hassle free experience.
12 years in music and industry and advertising industry with a lot’s of skills and with a good workflow for companies like Universal Music, Focus Features, Audi, Adidas, Zipser, Refresher and many more. For futher recomendations, hit me up.
With extensive experience as a producer, mixing & mastering engineer, I have achieved over 5 million Spotify streams & 1.8 million YouTube views in 2023. Collaborating with multi-platinum selling artists & producers in Brazil has refined my expertise, resulting in a high-skilled, efficient approach to production, mixing & mastering.
I approach each song as a unique canvas, adding just the right amount of color and texture to bring your musical vision to life. Let's create something special together.
Recent Successes
"Very cool, chill, easy to work with and good job!"
"This is my second time working with Matt. He worked around my schedule and budget and really helped me out with my two songs mixed. I am very pleased with Matt's work as always and his attitude and professionalism are..."
"Jordan is an exceptional drummer and I'm really grateful that he found time in his busy touring schedule to record a couple of tracks for my new album. His interpretation and playing is exactly what the track needs an..."
"amazing as always, superb work!! Direckt is the most reliable person i can trust with my project, not to mention a very fast turnaround time!! For those who haven't checked him out and worked with him you folks are..."
"I will come back 100% So far the absolut best mastering service here on sounbetter. "
"Great work, great communication, really appreciate the professionalism and the chance to provide any feedback or edits. A+++"
"Gekko is amazing! So thorough, thoughtful and attentive. On our first call he broke down the entire gamut of what it takes to produce EDM music and laid out a realistic plan for how we can proceed forward with full-sc..."
"It was great working with Andres. He produced nice flute solos that fitted pretty well in a progressive rock song."