Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bruna alimonda
Brazilian grooves and rhythms applied to alternative pop music, that's what I've been doing in the São Paulo for the last 10 years. If you want that Latin spice in your songs hit me up! Special prices so I can start here at SoundBetter.
Professional. Brazilian, music lover, singer, songwriter and backing vocal...
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Mixtown USA is an audio production, recording, mixing, and mastering company based in Los Angeles. We have been making records for artists, bands, and labels for the past decade and have worked in many genres including rock, pop, indie, and Americana.
I record and mix records.
Hip Hop Music Production, Beat Creation, recording-mix-master Engineer, Video Production, Website Designing all done right here "Tjamz Music". Call me @ 310-549-1113 or email me at Timestar1@att.net
Singer / Songwriter. I’ve written for many , such as august Alsina , lyrics Anderson, Chris brown etc ... list goes on. Fluent in my work , and passionate . Looking to Work with new artist who are just as passionate , I also demo songs for writers.
Let's make some music
I've been mixing and producing for two years. I am specialized in Techno, EDM and Rock.
I am a multi-instrumentalist lofi producer. I can help you by creating original music in different styles such as Indie, Hip Hop, Electronic, and more. Let's have a chat a make it happen. I have my own my studio and I work on every project with absolute passion and originality. You'll get my 110%.
Whatever you need we can get it done! You want to express yourself through this timeless artform but doing it alone isn't always going to cut it. Let us help you along your journey!
Recent Successes
"Always a pleasure, so quick and so professional I use Tyree for almost every project "
"Dark Star should be called BRIGHT STAR ! I tremendously enjoyed my first mix/master with DS. Skill and proficiency are not enough to get a good outcome. Communication is also vital and with DS I found it to be smooth..."
"It was a pleasure working with Ridvan again. He's really professional and organised, and as a methodic person I really love that. References and changes requested were also on point once more! "
"Will work again in the future definitely. Great quality. "
"Best guy to ever work with, very respectful and understandable, if you ever work with him and you don't like something just let him know he will fix it without complaining. All I can say is this guy is a 10 star 🌟 en..."
"Ethan's great to work with ! , he nailed some pretty specific parts and added great harmonies.. Super friendly and a Pro !! "
"Thanks so much for helping me with this tune and for the master... Really helpful advice as always and got it sounding spot on."
"Kindrid was very professional and detail-oriented, delivered the master in a timely manner. I will definitely be back for more projects later on."