Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zaintt
I make music that sounds different, that stands out.
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More providers:
Music 1st, Business 2nd but they are a package deal.
Hi im Latrell and this is one of my favorite to cover my new song version.
With an amassed 100k+ monthly Spotify listeners on instrumentals alone, and over 4 Million plays on public beats, I'm working with you to deliver the unique instrumentals that'll hit home for your audience.
Best in mixing and mastering Good Composition Nice music producer
Hey there! I am an audio engineer specializing in mixing, producing, editing, and mastering with 10+ years of experience. I've worked with Columbus' local scene to their delight, and now I'm branching out to you in the digital domain.
the works I produced, have an average of 5M plays. let's start yours!
Música para embalar os corações
Specializing in Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop and Trap, Liam is available to bring your productions to the next level!
Recent Successes
"Loved working with Giancarlo. I was very pleased with the outcome of my project. I look forward to work with him again soon. "
"Adam's skill set is extremely diverse. It has been a pleasure working with him and I hope to continue into the next decade. John"
"Killian is an excellent professional. You can give him an idea of a song and he develops great and excellent sounding tracks around it and also is willing to make changes on the tracks until you are completely satisfi..."
"Love Victor's creative skills and also how easy and flexible he is to work with, always wanting the best product for his clients. He is our "got to" guy."
"Courtney has an amazing voice and will bring a song to life from lead, harmonies and background. I love the work she has done for me and I know you will love her too"
"Fast. Efficient. The best in town "
"Ive worked with quite a few producers in my time, but I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who managed to nail a song in the first mix, but somehow Sefi managed to do that! He has an incredible ear and very easy to wor..."
"What can I say but WOW! Dennis plays and records on THE HIGHEST LEVEL! An excellent communicator and all around pleasure to have help from!"
"Alberto is a very polite guy and he has great skills in playing the bass. I recommend it to everyone because you will not be disappointed. "