Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yvonne Capehart
I'm an engineer, producer, musician, sound designer and a songwriter based in Atlanta, GA with more than 26 years of experience in the music industry. I have worked along side Grammy Award- winning producers, world class musicians and chart topping artists, such as Kim Burrell, Kierra Sheard, Kevin Bond, Calvin Rogers, Jonathan Dubose Jr, and more!
More providers:
I'm a mixing and mastering engineer, bringing your ideas (and multitrack sessions) to what you had in mind. I am extremely flexible, willing to work with you, and re-mix the session until you are happy with the result. I love music for the love of music, so if you don't have the funds, I can accommodate.
Tasteful overdubs for country, folk, indie rock, and experimental projects. Pedal Steel, Dobro, Banjo, Lap Steel Guitar, and Bass. I'm a mixing engineer, too.
“I am a up and coming HipHop, R&B, Pop & Rap Producer. I believe team work truly makes the dream work. Having people involved in any project is important, but the attitude, character, and openness of those people is essential! I’ve been in various song writing sessions and collaborations with professionals & up and coming artists in the industry.”
Experienced music producer, fluent in mixing & mastering. Music tells more than words - listen to my music & make up your own opinion jpbofficial.com
For years i have been perfecting my craft, and now i want to offer my experience and dedication to you the people. I have learned to do it all for myself and now i would like to give back.
Audio engineer with substantial experience looking to elevate your studio project.
Sounds like Postal Service meets Chrissie Hynde with some Beck, Daft Punk, and Imogene Heap sprinkled in. One-stop shop triple-threat: producer, composer, vocalist. Giving your project the personal attention it deserves. One-woman choir with a nearly 4-octave range that plays tuba and produces beats and music beds to order.
Professionnal sound engineer at PimpMyMic Studio, Paris.
Recent Successes
"Jenni Reid is a great option for anyone needing music to their lyrics. She's a great singer and guitarist, too. The song is better than I had thought and it was original."
"I can't say it enough: if you want someone to take your project to its highest heights, across the finish line with all of the ump and sonic fluidity and power you envisioned when you started it, there is no better mi..."
"Tony B. did a great job on my vocals, prompt and courteous, very pleased at the vocals laid down. I would hire him again. Great work, thanks, pal!"
"Austin is an incredible person to work with! He's extremely nice, has a very quick turnaround and he's super skilled with his mixing and mastering. He turned a mediocre demo into an amazing sounding track! I highly re..."
"I love Silver, she's a total Pro with a beautiful voice... Amazing..."
"I have made three tracks with Tony. His voice resonates extremely well on pop and R&B tracks. Highly professional and hopefully I will be able to work with him again soon."
"Always a great pleasure working with Ashley! She is highly professional with a beautiful and versatile voice, And delivers on time even when schedule is tight. Highly Recommended !!!"