Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Youssou N’Dour
"The Sound Magician" - Professional Mixer and Sound Engineer since 2008. Specialized in vocal treatment, among other things. His mixes are wide, detailed and full of punch. He knows perfectly how to capture sounds and mix tracks to makes them shine and professional. He worked with the best french and international artists.
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Im mata mixing engineer and mc
Ghost Writer for dozens of dance music artists from all over the world.
Beatmaker in Cancún, México
I make movies and paint pictures with my compositions. Im Mr No samples by The way. I make everything from scratch. I would describe my beats as a home cooked meal.
I am unique producer who is trying to fuse different genre of music to create my own new genre,
Analog sorcery for bargain
The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts, let's make your song that whole. As much as doing everything on your own is cool, working on a project with someone else can bring it to another level.
I am a two time Juno nominated drummer and multi-instrumentalist songwriter (Guitar, Bass). I have been in internationally renowned metal band The Agonist for 17 years, I have featured on 7 albums from the band, and I've done various other session works. I have toured the world many times and I've got plenty of FIRE for music!
Recent Successes
"Yoed is the best! This is my second review for Yoed- he did such an amazing job with the first song that I sent him a second song right after. He has a great ear and can adapt to various genres. Also, he's very fast..."
"Super cute & unique voice. Very professional, quick response & comfortable to work with."
"Mikhail did another super awesome job on a track - I had some old vocals that I didn't know what to do with that I sent him- the music he chose was super perfect for the vibe of the track and exceeded my expectations ..."
"Scootie is very talented and professional. Also very fast in deliver. His voice is amazing and he can bring freshness and professionality to your tracks. I would definitely work with him again."
"Ziv has such an incredible talent for writing and composing absolute masterpieces. His creative decisions when it comes to your track is unmatched. He will ascend your track from good/great, to magical and wonderful. ..."
"Very receptive and excellent drum mixing and clean quality "
"You are insane bro, love you so much! "
"JT mastered my track within a few days, and really knocked it out of the park straight away! It really served our mix style (bangin 90s pop rock) and i will be using Two Sparrows in the future. Awesome job guys and i..."
"Jamila is a pro, very easy to work with, and brings a lot of soul and passion to every track she sings on, she is awesome!!!!!"