Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yarco
I'm passionate about bringing your music to life and creating great work.
Beatmaker / Guitarist / Producer / Composer
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Take Heart Audio is all about making your songs sound better than when they go to tape. If you are a local artist, feel free to set up a recording time. I've been singing for years and love to do so. If you have anything that needs extra vocals, I'm the guy to get it done. I'll mix, master, and write and record vocals for any of your songs.
Multi-Grammy Winning Vocalist
I am a professional vocalist, recording artist, songwriter, music consultant and coach. With my many years of experience I understand the music industry, and with my background in vocal music and piano I strive for the best in everyone and every project I do.
Music...Music........Music All Day long Session Guitarist,Arranger,Composer,Producer,Mix-Mastering,
As a Berklee College of Music alumni for Music Production & Sound Engineering, I have learned and worked with some of the best within the industry! I offer my skills in production, mixing and mastering at an affordable and reasonable price! My motto is to "Make Good Music That Helps People & Help People Make Good Music".
As an experienced pianist/synth keyboardist and music producer, I will work with you to make your song become a record, and help you create the perfect sound you have been dreaming of become reality.
I'll record great drumming for you.
With 7 years total of vocal training/theory and 4 years of production, I am one of the very best for your indie/ alternative needs.
Recent Successes
"Freddie did a superb job on my tracks. He gave them a polished, professional, and catchy sound to them. Did not take much time for him to get the keys laid down and transferred over to me. Thanks Freddie!! Will de..."
"Yoad is an amazing sound engineer with impressive music profile, dealing with Yoad was pretty awesome, he is patient, knows what exactly it needs to deliver the best results, so happy with the process as well, quick a..."
"I just wanted to thank you for what you've done for my music. I've never felt my own songs like I did through your master(ings)!! You have always given me very valuable tips. I think you're not only an excellent engi..."
"Second time working with Nate and it is a real pleasure, brilliant job!"
"G is by far one of the most professional producers out there. The level of care and detail he gives in his work is unmatched. He guides, he explains, he envisions, he produces. HE does it all "
"Gen did a fantastic job! She is very easy to work with and understands the direction of the music. She is very unique and talented!! More work to come for her. I highly recommend Gen !!"
"Brilliant singer who provides an utterly professional service. She’s a social genius, too. Highly, highly recommended !! :D"
"Arthur is always very professional and very capable. It's always so great working with him. He gets it done right!"