Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with xolex
I am a singer, songwriter with over ten years of experience in recording and performing. Currently living in Nashville, Tennessee! I love to sing anything from Country to R&B, I’ve even done a few EDM tracks. I can write a topline to your track or bring your song to life with full vocal production.
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Hi, I am Pedro! Music composition, session work within cello and piano, songwriting, music mixing, music mastering and music production within rock, pop, jazz, soul, classical and electronic abstract. I also offer services of music management.
Wanderlust Sound is a boutique audio and music production studio with a vintage SSL 4000 series analogue console and acoustics by Level Acoustic Design(U2, Mark Ronson & many more). Services offered include recording, mixing, and analog summimg.
My name ain't The "Single" King for no reason I write singles so if you need one look no further lets get it.
Brazilian bassist, experience of 30 years alongside artists such as Tom Zé, Ney Matogrosso and Arnaldo Antunes. Specialized in Pop/Rock, Brazilian Samba and Bossa Nova, Jazz and Avant-Garde. Creative and functional, ready to reinforce the foundations of your music.
SESSION VOCALS - Rocknroll, Hard rock, Heavy metal, southern rock, blues, country. SESSION GUITAR - Rocknroll, Hard rock, Southern Rock, Blues, Country BLUES HARP - Rocknroll, Southern Rock, Blues, Country
I want to help you bring out the sound you are looking for in your music
Diverse in most music genres such as Rap, Hip-hop, R&B, Pop. I also sing, and have the ability to make catchy hooks.
Recent Successes
"Daramola killed it! He did a great job and I look forward to the next project with him. "
"I've worked with Marco before and came back to work with him again. He is very engaged and does his best to get you what you want, as many changes and attempts as it takes."
"Incredibly versatile and gifted musician/producer, dependable with good communication. Our top choice for consistently excellent arrangements in a wide variety of genres. "
"Simon is one of the best music producers! The entire work was great and he understood my vision and the demo I had and turned into something AMAZING. If you have any doubt, don't think much. Just work with him!"
"Another quality vocal from Alex! I hope to work with Alex again, and again, . . . Highly recommended!"
"Another wonderful job from Andres Mayo. He made my song shine and groovy. Thanks "
"Paul is exactly as advertised! Very talented. Easy to work with and delivers as promised! He's a great musical weapon in the arsenal!"
"Denny is a master of his craft. He wrote and provided comped and tuned vocals for an incredible topline that is still stuck in my head a year later! Will definitely be working with him again."
"Trent is a true professional in terms of reaction time to the brief, attitude, and speed of delivery. And providing us with three takes of gloriously played harmonica givers us lots of options as the track develops. A..."
"Sarah is great! Everything you'd want in a professional! You can't go wrong hiring her."