Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hannah Nicolaisen
I am a singer, songwriter with over ten years of experience in recording and performing. Currently living in Nashville, Tennessee! I love to sing anything from Country to R&B, I’ve even done a few EDM tracks. I can write a topline to your track or bring your song to life with full vocal production.
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Hello everybody my name is Scott Vera, producer, songwriter, and engineer from Las Vegas, NV. I specialize in pop music production and have over 10 years of experience in audio production, engineering and songwriting. Allow me to assist you by giving your music that industry sound you've been searching for.
My name is André Lund. I am a producer, mixing engineer, musician and composer from Bergen, Norway. Formal education - Berklee College of music courses «Art of mixing» «Songwriting for Film/TV» and «Introduction to Game Audio».
I am a Guitarist and Sound Engineer based from Mumbai. I am Lead Guitarist in LOONS THE BAND, and I do freelance and sessions for the same. I have done Sound Engineering from STEINBERG UK. Currently working as freelance sound engineer, programmer and Guitarist.
MusicaPerIlCervello is a new and fully equipped studio based in Caravaggio, Italy, born from the dream of two musicians: the songwriter Riky Anelli and the sound engineer Frankie Matano.
Hello, I'm Leee Zimmer certified sound surgeon and purveyor of all music weird and wonderful.
Giving you a professional sound for a low price!
All of my music is good? idk what to really put here.
C-a-n-n-a-b-i-s Online Dispensary
Recent Successes
"My third time working with Rob, so that tells you a lot. He's very responsive to feedback and I've ended up thrilled with the result every time. He's an amazing mix/ master engineer."
"Federico is a great bass and guitar player. He was very patient and helped me to 100% with my needs. I can highly recommand him."
"If you have all the ingredients to a great song you must give them to the right cook to mix them together or the result will be a dry, tasteless and unpalatable meal. Leandro is a musical chef with 3 Michelin Stars...."
"Great job as always!"
"What can we say? As usual , Lisa was again super efficient, fast and hypercreative. Collaborating with Lisa is always the best experience. "
"Ariel is the Picasso of sound engineering. Only the true masters can make what is an extremely delicate craft look easy. There is so much nuance he brings to every mix and mastering project, which is why I keep coming..."
"Rudiger is a rare talent and a true professional! I can not recommend him highly enough!!!"
"Matty cleaned up the mix nicely. Made everything sound clear and crisp. Very fast and highly communicative. "
"Enjoyed working ivy for the first time! it was a very good experience she is so talented and professional and does all she can to capture the vision of the song and the writer! i recommend working with and will work ..."